abnormal psych midterm 2

  1. sleep terror
    occurs in NREM sleep. Though they usually begin with piercing scream and the child is extremely upset, often sweating, and frequently has a rapid heartbeat it wasnt caused be frightening dream.
  2. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
    characterized by disturbed sleep (either insomnia or excessive sleeping during the day) brought on by the brain's inability to synchronize its sleep patterns with the current pattern of day and night
  3. Obstructive sleep apnea
    when airflow stops despite continued activity by the respiratory system
  4. Central sleep apnea
    complete cessation of respiratory activity for brief periods
  5. Hypnogogic hallucination
    vivid and often terrifying experience that begun at start of sleep and are said to be unbelievably realistic
  6. Narcolepsy
    in additition to daytime sleepiness they also experience catplexy, a sudden loss of muscle tone
  7. Hypersomnia
    problem of sleeping too much
  8. insomnia
    characterize people who have trouble falling asleep at night, wake up frequently and cant go back to sleep, or sleep a reasonalble number of hours but as still not rested
  9. Sleep efficiency
    the percent of time actually spent asleep
  10. Actigraph
    wristwatch size device that records the number of arm movemement you make while sleeping
  11. Polysomnographic (PSG) Evaluation
    patient spends 1 or more nights sleeping in a sleep laboratory being monitored on a number of measure
  12. Parasomnias
    characterized by abnormal behavior or physiological events that occur during sleep
  13. Dyssomnias
    involve difficulties in getting enough sleep, problem with sleeping when you want to, and complaints about the quality of life
  14. binge- eating- disorder (BED)
    characterized by binge eating but no engagement in extreme compensatory behaviro
  15. anorexia nervosa
    person eats nothing beyound minimal amounts of food; body weight sometimes drops dangerously
  16. bulimia nervosa
    out of control eating/binging episodes followed by compensatory behavior
  17. Electroconvulsive therapy
    seizure produced through electirc shock
  18. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
    placing magnetic coil over individuals head to generate a precisely localized electromagnetic pulse
  19. Arbitrary inference
    emphasizing negative rather than positive aspects of a situation
  20. depressive cognitive triad
    people who are depressed think like this; think negatively about themselves, their immediate world, and their future
  21. 6 specifiers of mood disorders
    atypical, melancholic, chronic, catatonic, psychotic, postpartum
  22. Cyclothymic disorder
    a milder but more chronic version of bipolar disorder
  23. Bipolar II disorder
    in which major depressive episode alternates with hypomanic episode
  24. Bipolar disorder
    alternating between manic episodes and major depressive episodes
  25. Double depression
    having both major depressive episodes and dysthymic disorder
  26. Dysthymic disorder
    share many of the symptoms of major depressive disorder but symptoms are somewhate milder and remain relatively unchanged
  27. major depressive disorder, single episode
    absence of manic or hypomanic episodes before or during the disorder
  28. dysphoric manic episode or mixed manic episode
    when individual experiences manic symptoms but feels somewhat depressed or anxious at the same time
  29. unipolar mood disorder
    when you suffer from either depression or mania
  30. hypomania episode
    a less severe version of a manic episode that does not cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning
  31. mania
    individual find extreme pleasue in every activity, they become hyperactive, require little sleep, and may develop grandiose plans
  32. major depressive episode
    an extremely depressed mood state that lasts at least 2 weeks and includes negative cognitive symptoms and disturbed physical functions to the point that even the slightest activity or movement requires an overwhelming effort
  33. mood disorder
    characterized by gross deviations in mood
  34. double blind communication
    term used to protray a communication style that produced conflicting messages and in turn caused schizophrenia
  35. schizophrenic mother
    describe a mother whose cold, dominant, and rejecting nature was thought to cause schizophrenia
  36. Delusional disorder
    • persistent belief that is contrary to reality, in absence of other characteristic of schizophrenia
    • types: erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic
  37. schizoaffective disorder
    have symptoms of schizophrenia and exhibit the characteristics of mood disorder
  38. Schizophrenia
    • characterized by broad spectrum of cognitive and emotional dysfunction including delusions and hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, and inappropriate emotions
    • subtypes:paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, residual
  39. inappropriate affect
    laughing or crying at improper times
  40. catatonic immobility
    holding unusual posture, as if they were fearful of something terrible happening
  41. wavy flexibility
    tendence to keep their bodies and limbs in the position they are put in by someone else
  42. anhedonia
    presumed lack of pleasure
  43. affective flattening
    do not show emotions when you would normally expect them
  44. alogia
    the relative absence of speech
  45. avolition
    inability to initiate and persist in activities
  46. negative symptoms
    the absence or insuffieciency of normal behavior
  47. positive symptoms
    the more active manifestations of abnormal behavior or an excess or distortion of normal behavior
  48. dissociative identity disorder (DID)
    when people adopt numerous identities that simultaneously exisit
  49. dissociative trance disorder
    when trance or possession occur
  50. dissociative fugue
    memory loss revolves around a specific incident- an unexpected trip; unable to remember why or how they got there
  51. Dissociative amnesia
    not amnesia for events themselves but rather for intense emotional reaction to the traumatic events
  52. depersonalization disorder
    when feeling of unreality are so sever and frightening they dominate an individual's life and prevent normal functioning
  53. derealization
    your sense of the reality of the external world is lost
  54. body dymorphic disorder
    when relatively normal looking people thinkg they are so ugly they refuse to interact with others or otherwise function normally
  55. pain disorder
    when there is pain in one or more sites in the body that is associated with significant dsitress or impairment
  56. factitious disorder
    voluntary control of physical malfunctioning only the reason why one does this is unclear
  57. malingering
  58. conversion disorder
    physical malfunctioning without and physical or organic pathology to account for the malfunction
  59. undifferentiated somatoform disorder
    somatization disorder but with fewer than 8 symptoms
  60. somatization disorder
    when patients have seeminly endless lists of somatic complaints for whic htere no medical basis
  61. hypochondriasis
    severe anxiety is focused on the possibility of having a serious disease
  62. dissociative disorder
    when detachment from reality is so intense and extreme they lose their indentity entirely and assume a new one or lose their memory or sense of reality and are unable to function
  63. somatoform disorder
    when preoccupation with health and appearance become so great that it dominates their lives
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abnormal psych midterm 2
abnormal psych