
  1. a=a
    reflexive property
  2. if a=b then b=a
    symmetric property
  3. if a=b and b=c, then a=c
    transitive property
  4. if a =b, then a+c = b+c
    addition property of equality
  5. if a=b, then a-c= b-c
    subtraction property of equality
  6. if a=b, then a times c= b times c

    AxC = BxC
    multiplication property of equality
  7. if a=b, then a/c=b/c

    (c does not equal 0)
    division property of equality
  8. if a=b, then you may replace b with a in any expression
    substitution property of equality
  9. a(b+c)=ab+ac
    distribution property
  10. Through any 2 points, there is exactly one line
    postulate 2-1
  11. Through any 3 collinear points there is exactly 1 plane.
    Postulate 2-2
  12. A line contains at least 2 points
    Postulate 2-3
  13. A plane contains at least 3 points, not all on the same line
    Postulate 2-4
  14. If 2 points lie on a plane then the entire line containing those 2 points lies in that plane
    Postulate 2-5
  15. Two lines intersect in a line
    Postulate 2-6
  16. Two planes intersect in a line
    Postulate 2-7
  17. IF M is midpoint of segment AB, then segment AM is congruent to segment MB
    Midpoint theorem
  18. The points on any line or line segment can be paired with real numbers so that, given any 2 points, A and B on a line, A corresponds to zero, and B corresponds to a positive real number
    Ruler Postulate
  19. If A, B, and C are collinear and B is between A and C, then AB+BC= AC. If AB+BC=AC, then B is between A and C.
    Segment Addition Postulate
  20. Congruence of segments is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive
    theorem 2-2
  21. Given
Card Set
properties, postulates, & theorems