1. adenoma
    Tumor of a gland
  2. adenitis
    Inflammation of a gland
  3. arthritis
    Inflammation of a joint
  4. biology
    Study of life
  5. biopsy
    Removal of living tissue and examination under a microscope.
  6. carcinoma
    Cancerous tumor
  7. cardiology
    Study of the heart
  8. cephalic
    Pertaining to the head
  9. cerebral
    Pertaining to the brain
  10. incision
    Process of cutting into. Scissors cut
  11. excision
    Process of cutting out
  12. endocrine glands
    Glands that secrete hormones within the body
  13. cystoscopy
    Process of visual examination of the urinary bladder
  14. cytology
    Study of cells
  15. dermatitis
    Inflammation of the skin
  16. hypodermic
    Pertaining to under the skin
  17. electrocardiogram
    Record of the electricity in the heart
  18. electroencephalogram
    Record of the electricity of the brain
  19. enteritis
    Inflammation of the intestines
  20. erythrocyte
    A red blood cell
  21. gastrectomy
    Removal of the stomach
  22. gastrotomy
    Incision of the stomach
  23. diagnosis
    State of complete knowledge; information gathered about a patient’s illness. (Dia-=complete; gnos/o = knowledge; -sis=state of)
  24. prognosis
    State of before knowledge; prediction about the outcome of an illness. An agnostic is a person who professes no (a-) knowledge of God.
  25. gynecology
    Study of females and female diseases
  26. hematology
    Study of blood
  27. hematoma
    Collection (mass) of blood
  28. hemoglobin
    Blood protein found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to the cells from the lungs and carbon dioxide away from cells to the lungs.hepatitis
  29. hepatitis
    Inflammation of the liver
  30. iatrogenic
    Pertaining to being produced by treatment. A rash occurring after treatmentwith a drug, such as penicillin, is an iatrogenic condition. A related term, nosocomial, refers to any infection acquired in a hospital (nos/o means disease and -comial comes from the Greek “I take care of”).
  31. leukocyte
    White blood cell
  32. nephritis
    Inflammation of the kidney
  33. nephrology
    Study of the kidney
  34. neurology
    Study of nerves
  35. oncology
    Study of tumors
  36. oncologist
    Specialist in the study of tumors
  37. ophthalmoscope
    Instrument for visual examination of the eye. Proper pronunciation helps in the spelling of this term. The initial syllable is pronounced “off” and is spelled “oph.”
  38. osteitis
    Inflammation of bone
  39. osteoarthritis
    Inflammation of bone and joints (actually degeneration of joint tissue)
  40. pathology
    Study of disease
  41. pathologist
    One who studies diseases, performs autopsies, and examines biopsy samples
  42. pediatric
    Pertaining to treatment of children
  43. psychology
    Study of the mind
  44. psychiatrist
    Specialist in the treatment of the mind
  45. radiology
    Study of x-rays
  46. renal
    Pertaining to the kidney. Ren/o (Latin) is used with -al (Latin), and nephr/o (Greek) is used with -ic (Greek).
  47. rhinitis
    Inflammation of the nose
  48. sarcoma
    Tumor of flesh tissue (cancerous tumor of connective tissues, such as bone, muscle, cartilage, fat). Sarcasm is an utterance intended to “cut into the flesh” and a sarcophagus is a box or container (Egyptian coffin) intended to “swallow flesh.” Phag/o means to eat or swallow.
  49. resection
    Process of cutting out; removal
  50. thrombocyte
    A clotting cell
  51. urology
    Study of the urinary tract
  52. cardiac
    Pertaining to the heart
  53. neural
    Pertaining to nerves
  54. arthralgia
    Pain of a joint
  55. neuralgia
    Nerve pain
  56. erythrocyte
    Red blood cell
  57. nephrectomy
    Removal (resection) of a kidney
  58. leukemia
    Blood condition of white cells; malignant (cancerous) condition.
  59. carcinogenic
    Pertaining to producing cancer. From the Greek “gennao” meaning “I produce.” Other words to help remember -genic are gene and Genesis
  60. pathogenic
    Pertaining to producing disease
  61. iatrogenic
    Pertaining to produced by treatment (physician)
  62. hemoglobin
    Literally, blood (hem/o) protein (-globin). Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. It helps erythrocytes carry oxygen
  63. electroencephalogram
    Record of the electricity in the brain
  64. gastric
    Pertaining to the stomach
  65. neurologic
    Pertaining to the study of nerves
  66. excision
    Process of cutting out; removal
  67. gynecologist
    Specialist in the study of females and female disorders
  68. cystitis
    Inflammation of the urinary bladder
  69. endocrinology
    Study of the endocrine glands
  70. hepatoma
    Tumor (malignant) of the liver
  71. biopsy
    Process of viewing life; removal of living tissue for microscopic examination.
  72. nephrosis
    Abnormal condition of the kidney
  73. leukocytosis
    Abnormal condition (slight increase) of normal white blood cells.
  74. enteropathy
    Disease of the intestines
  75. adenopathy
    Disease of glands
  76. endoscope
    Instrument to visually examine within (the body)
  77. endoscopy
    Process of visually examining within (the body)
  78. prognosis
    State of before knowledge; prediction about the outcome of treatment.
  79. osteotomy
    Incision of a bone
  80. gastroenterology
    Process of study of the stomach and intestines
  81. anemia
    A decrease in erythrocytes or hemoglobin
  82. autopsy
    “Self view”—examination of a dead body, understand its function.
  83. diagnosis
    State of complete knowledge; information gathered about a patient’s illness
  84. endocrinologist
    One who specializes in endocrine glands
  85. epigastric
    Pertaining to above the stomach
  86. epidermis
    Outer layer of skin; above the dermis layer
  87. excision
    Process of cutting out; to resection
  88. exocrine glands
    Glands that secrete chemicals to the outside of the body
  89. hyperglycemia
    Condition of increased blood sugar
  90. hyperthyroidism
    Condition of too much secretion of hormone (thyroxine) from the thyroid.
  91. hypogastric
    Pertaining to below the stomach
  92. hypoglycemia
    Condition of low blood sugar
  93. incision
    Process of cutting into; to section
  94. pericardium
    Structure (membrane) surrounding the heart
  95. prostate gland
    Exocrine gland in front of (before) the urinary bladder in males
  96. resection
    Removal; excision. From the Latin “resecare” meaning “to cut back, trim or curtail.” Thus a resection is an operation wherein an organ is “cut back” or removed
  97. retrocardiac
    Pertaining to behind the heart
  98. subhepatic
    Pertaining to below the liver
  99. transhepatic
    Pertaining to across or through the liver
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