ultrasound 2.txt

  1. Ultrasound2
  2. Ovarian Cyst #�s MENSTRUATING simple (neg, f/u, remove)
    • Simple Cyst < 3cm = Negative
    • Simple Cyst 3-6 cm = Follow-Up
    • Simple Cyst > 6cm = Consider Removal
  3. Ovarian Cyst #�s MENSTRUATING hemorrhagic (neg, f/u, remove, one more)
    • Hemorrhagic Cyst < 2.5 cm = Negative
    • Hemorrhagic Cyst 2.5-6cm = Follow-Up
    • Hemorrhagic Cyst > 6cm = Removal
    • Contains Soft Tissue Component = Removal
  4. Ovarian Cyst #�s POST-MENOPAUSAL (benign, f/u, remove, one more)
    • Simple Cyst < 1.6 cm = Benign
    • Simple Cyst 1.6-5cm = Follow-Up
    • Simple Cyst > 5cm = Removal
    • Any Complex Cyst = Removal
  5. Multiple Simple Ovarian Cysts
    • Torsion (Small and Peripheral)
    • Polycystic Ovaries (Small and Peripheral)
    • Theca Lutein Cysts From Hyperstimulation Drugs (Pergonal)
    • Theca Lutein Cysts associated with Gestational Trophoblastic Dz
  6. Complex Cystic Adenexal Mass
    • Cystadenoma/ Cystadenocarcinoma (Serous more likely Malignant and Bilateral than Mucinous)
    • Hemorrhagic Cyst
    • Endometrioma
    • Ectopic Pregnancy
    • Teratoma/ Torsion
    • Abscess (Tubo-ovarian, Appendiceal)
    • Hydrosalpinx/ Pyosalpinx (PID)
  7. Heterogeneous Liver
    • Cirrhosis
    • Fatty Infiltration
    • Mets (Breast)
    • Infiltrative HCC
    • Hepatic Fibrosis
    • Lymphoma
    • Heart Failure
    • Budd-Chiari
  8. Hyperechoic Liver Lesions
    • Hemangioma (Enhanced Through Transmission)
    • Hyperechoic Mets
    • HCC (may have steatosis)
    • Focal Fat
    • Angiomyolipoma
  9. NO MASS
    Air in Biliary Tree or Portal Vein (Characteristic Sound on Doppler)
  10. Hypoechoic Liver Lesions
    • Mets
    • Lymphoma
    • HCC/ Regenerating Nodule
    • Hematoma
    • Pyogenic Abscess
    • Amebic Abscess
    • Echinococcus
  11. Gallbladder Wall Thickening
    • Cholecystitis
    • Adenomyomatosis (�Comet-Tail� Reverberation Artifact,DDx is Emphysematous Cholecystitis- Confirm Air By CT or PF)
    • Hepatitis
    • Ascites
    • Hypoalbuminemia
    • CHF
    • AIDS
    • Diffuse Mets
    • Kawasaki�s Dz
  12. Gallbladder Mass
    • Carcinoma
    • Mets (melanoma)
    • Lymphoma
    • Focal Cholecystitis
    • Polyp (See Below)
  13. Gallbladder Polyp #�s (size/character - benign, benign, f/u, ectomy)
    • < 5mm and Single = Benign
    • < 10mm and Multiple = Benign
    • 5-10mm and Single = Follow-Up
    • > 10mm = Cholecystectomy
  14. Intratesticular Mass SOLID
    • Malignant Tumor (Seminoma, Non-seminomatous GCT)
    • Mets (Leukemia/ Lymphoma, esp. after chemo)
    • Benign Tumor (Leydig, Sertoli)
    • Infection/ Abscess
    • Infarct with Torsion
    • Hematoma after Trauma
    • Sarcoid
    • TB
  15. Intratesticular Mass CYSTIC
    • Intratesticular Cyst
    • Tubular Ectasia of the Rete Testes
    • Benign Epidermoid Tumor (Echogenic Capsule, �Onion Skin�)
  16. Intratesticular Calcifications
    • Testicular Microlithiasis (Routine Screening For Tumor)
    • Burned Out Germ Cell Tumor
    • Granulomatous Dz
    • Post Trauma, Infection
  17. Extratesticular Mass
    • Spermatocele
    • Epididymal Cyst
    • Varicocele (Vessel Diameter > 3mm)
    • Hernia
    • Cord Tumor (Adenomatoid Tumor, Sarcoma)
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ultrasound 2.txt
radiology resident ultrasound