Business: Chapter 7

  1. Organization
    a group of two or more people working together to achieve a common set of goals
  2. Organization Chart
    a diagram that represents the positions and relationships within an organization
  3. Chain of Command
    the line of authority that extends from the highest to the lowest levels of an organization
  4. Job Specialization
    the separation of all organizational activities into distinct tasks and the assignment of different tasks to different people
  5. Job Rotation
    the systematic shifting of employees from one job to another
  6. Departmentalization
    the process of grouping jobs into manageable units
  7. Departmentalization by Function
    grouping jobs that relate to the same organizational activity
  8. Departmentalization by Product
    grouping activities related to a particular product or service
  9. Departmentalization by Location
    grouping activities according to the defined geographic area in which they are performed
  10. Departmentalization by Customer
    grouping activities according to the needs of various customer populations
  11. Delegation
    assigning part of a manager's work and power to other workers
  12. Responsibility
    the duty to do a job or perform a task
  13. Authority
    the power, within an organization, to accomplish an assigned job or task
  14. Accountability
    the obligation of a worker to accomplish an assigned job or task
  15. Decentralized Organization
    an organization in which management consciously attempts to spread authority widely in the lower levels of the organization
  16. Centralized Organization
    an organization that systematically works to concentrate authority at the upper levels of the organization
  17. Span of Management (or span of control)
    the number of workers who report directly to one manager
  18. Organizational Height
    the number of layers, or levels, of management in a firm
  19. Line Management Position
    a part of the chain of command; it is a position in which a person makes decisions and gives orders to subordinates to achieve the goals of the organization
  20. Staff Management Position
    a position created to provide support, advice, and expertise within an organization
  21. Bureaucratic Structure
    a management system based on a formal framework of authority that is outlined carefully and followed precisely
  22. Matrix Structure
    an organizational structure that combines vertical and horizontal lines of authoirty, usually by superimposing product departmentalization on a functionally departmentalized organization
  23. Cross-Functional Team
    a team of individuals with varying specialties, expertise, and skills that are brought together to achieve a common task
  24. Cluster Structure
    an organization that consists primarily of teams with no or very few underlying departments
  25. Network Structure
    an organization in which administration is the primary function, and most other functions are contracted out to other firms
  26. Corporate Culture
    the inner rites, rituals, heroes, and values of a firm
  27. Intrapreneur
    an employee who pushes an innovative idea, product, or process through an organization
  28. Ad Hoc Committee
    a committee created for a specific short-term purpose
  29. Standing Committee
    a relatively permanent committee charged with performing some recurring task
  30. Task Force
    a committee established to investigate a major problem or pending decision
  31. Managerial Hierarchy
    the arrangement that provides increasing authority at higher levels of management
  32. Informal Organization
    the pattern of behavior and interaction that stems from personal rather than official relationships
  33. Informal Group
    a group created by the members themselves to accomplish goals that may or may not be relevant to an organization
  34. Grapevine
    the informal communications network within an organization
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Business: Chapter 7
Business: Chapter 7