1. Axial Skeleton
    trunk, skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, ribs and sternum
  2. Appendicular Skeleton
    Pectoral girdle, upper limb bones, pelvic girdle, and lower limb bones.
  3. Long Bones
    longer than they are broad (bones of the arm, forearm, fingers, thigh, and leg.)
  4. Short Bones
    more or less equal in all deminsions (bones of the wrist and ankle)
  5. Flat Bones
    appear to be compresses in one deminsion (cranium and sternum)
  6. Irregular Bones
    dont fit in to any other category (floor of skull, facial bones, vertebrae, and pelvic and pectoral girdles.)
  7. Epiphysis
    proximal and distal end of the bone
  8. Diaphysis
    THe shaft of the bone
  9. Hyoid Bone
    Floating bone (no direct bony attachments) at junction of the floor of the mouth and the neck
  10. True ribs
    first 7 pair of ribs. (attaches to sternum with own cartilage)
  11. false Ribs
    ribs 8 through 12 (dont attach to sternum with own cartilage)
  12. Floating Ribs
    ribs 11 and 12 dont attach to sternum.
  13. Process
    a general term for a projection from the surface of the bone.
  14. Tubercle
    a relatively small bump on a bone
  15. Tuberosity
    a relatively large bump on a bone
  16. Trochanter
    a large bump (on femur)
  17. Ramus
    a branch
  18. Spine
    a short sharp projection
  19. Head
    a hemispheric projection that articulated with another bone
  20. Neck
    a constriction below the head
  21. Condyle
    an irregular, smooth surface that articulates with another bone
  22. Epicondyle
    a bump on a condyle
  23. Crest
    an elevated ridge of bone
  24. Line
    ab elevation smaller than a crest
  25. Facet
    a smooth flat surface
  26. Foramen
    a shallow hole
  27. Sinus
    a cavity in a bone
  28. Canal or Meatus
    a deep hole
  29. Fossa
    a shallow surface depression in a bone
  30. Notch
    a deep cutout in a bone
  31. Groove or Sulcus
    an elongated depression
  32. Fissure
    a long deep cleft in a bone
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