Diminishing Egocentrism
- (This has to happen first in order for other events to happen), has to start taking other peoples perceptions on things
- -focusing on self
- - end of middle childhood having healthily peer relationships
- - interacting with more people
- - learning other people have different points of view and different lives
- - more open about themselves bc they are measuring themselves against their peers
- how children rank themselves compared to others, feeling of confidence and satisfaction
- - decrease theres a correction to it
- -more objective to themselves
- - big- comparison of self to peers
- - how desire compares to achievement
- persons evaluation of his/her self
- -what are there strengths
Contributors to positive self-esteem
- - positive encouragement but has to be true
- - honest from people who they respect
During middle childhood
- self-esteem declines
Peer interactions
- - 30% of al social interactions
- - size of group continues to increase while parent interactions decrease
Children realize by the end of middle childhood that friends must adapt to each others need. As a result, the desire to conform is a by product.
youngsters who are similar in age, usually within 12 months of one another
Social perspective taking
the idea that children views on how to relate to each others emerge from their personal theories about the traits of others
- measure of children level of self-esteem; related to scholastic competence, athletic competence, peer popularity, physical appearance, and behavior
- Hater-5 types of competence:
- 1. scholastic
- 2. athletic
- 3. popularity
- 4. physical appearance
- 5. behavioral conduct
- (high, medium, low)
- - based on the values the children have learned from their parents
- - also there peers attitudes affect influences
- - if two kids score the same on a competence test
- - don't have the same self-esteem - and not same attitude towards these
- - labels get attached to kids though these types of competence (starts here) ex. good kid, bad kid, smart, not so smart, fat, culture (different emphases on different areas)
- - biggest area for kids generally: physical appearance - determines there self-esteem how they feel about themselves
- Childs lack of ability to delay gratification
- - ex. candy bar on table told to not eat it until i come back in 5 min and ill give u 2; some children eat it
- - who show control high SAT scores, more popular, and better behavior: distracted themselves
- - who show no control poor behavior, etc.
- self-restrain exercised over impulses, emotions, and desires
- - key development towards development
- - Perception of competence declines
- hostile or destructive behavior directed at another person
- - less frequent
- - discuis anger
- - more controlled
TV watching
- increase during middle childhood
- - parents involvement
- - depends on hours of tv
- - more aggressive (any kind of show)
- - becomes desensitize to violence though video games and tv - effects negative self-esteem
- - more than 30 hrs a week affects school
- -early the onset early the problem
- - less than 1/2
Resilient Children
- - children who sustain some type of physiological or psychological trauma yet remain on a normal developmental path
- 1. temperament- elicits a positive respons
- 2. special abilitity
- 3. mentor takes an interest
- 4. problem solving skills
- 5. Bond with one parent (typically mother)
Abraham Maslow
- -Anything below is a lux-Self-Actualization: need to feel that we are meeting our potential
- Esteem:
- Love and Belonging: (social)
- Safety Needs: (psychological)
- Physiological Needs: that should be meet- food, sleep, water, etc. (biologically)