ANP Certification question answer tips Flash Cards.txt

  1. Communication Tips: For questions on abuse, remember to ask
    Choose answer option with: Open Ended Questions
  2. Communication Tips: For questions on depression, remember to ask
    Choose answer option with: Suicidal ideation/homicidal ideation Questions
  3. Avoid these questions
    Answers that appear Judgmental will be wrong answer
  4. When smoking cessation or cut down is in answer
    Always choose to QUIT, not cut down, and always choose this option as TLC option
  5. Lewins Change Theory
    Shifts in behavior that evoke and successfully implement change
  6. Unfreezing, Change, Refreezing whos theory?
    Lewins change theory
  7. Health Belief Model
    Must analyze factors that contribute to pts perceived state of health or disease risk
  8. What medication class has most adverse RXNs?
  9. Foods to avoid in Thyroid Supplement therapy
    Iodine containing foods
  10. Iodine containing foods
    Brussel Sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, soy, rutabagas, turnips
  11. What is the main causes (first and second) of death in adolescents?
    MVA then Suicide
Card Set
ANP Certification question answer tips Flash Cards.txt
ANP Certification question answer tips Flash Cards