
  1. Adductor Magnus
    Origin: rami of both pubis and ischium.

    Insertion: linea aspera, adductor tubercle.

    Action: adduction, some lateral rotation of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: obturator n. some tibial n.
  2. Adductor Brevis
    Origin: pubic bone(inferior ramus.)

    Insertion: shaft of femur(posterior superior aspect.)

    Action: adduction, some lateral rotation of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: obturator n.
  3. Adductor Longus
    Origin: pubic bone(between crest and symphysis.)

    Insertion: linea aspera.

    Action: adducts, flexes, some lateral rotation of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: obturator n.
  4. Pectineus
    Origin: pectin of pubic bone.

    Insertion: shaft of femur(posterior superior aspect.)

    Action: adducts and flexes hip/thigh.

    Innervation: femoral n. & some obturator n.
  5. Gracilis
    Origin: pubic bone(medial surface of body, inferior ramus.)

    Insertion: tibia(superior medial surface below medial condyle.)

    Action: adduction of hip/thigh, some flexion of leg/knee.

    Innervation: obturator n.
  6. Vastus Medialis
    Origin: linea aspera(medial lip), intertrochanteric line.

    Insertion: tibial tuberosity(via. patella/patellar ligament.)

    Action: flexion of leg/knee.

    Innervation: femoral n.
  7. Vastus Intermedius
    Origin: shaft of femur(anterior superior aspect.)

    Insertion: tibial tuberosity(via. patella/patellar ligament.)

    Action: flexion of leg/knee.

    Innervation: femoral n.
  8. Rectus Femoris
    Origin: anterior superior iliac spine, acetabulum(superior aspect.)

    Insertion: tibial tuberosity(via. patella/patellar ligament.)

    Action: flexion of hip/thigh, extension of leg/knee.

    Innervation: femoran n.
  9. Vastus Lateralis
    Origin: linea aspera(lateral lip), greater trochanter(inferior aspect.)

    Insertion: tibial tuberosity(via. patella/patellar ligament.)

    Action: extension of leg/knee.

    Innervation: femoral n.
  10. Sartorius
    Origin: anterior superior iliac spine.

    Insertion: medial proximal tibia(below medial condyle.)

    Action: flexion of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: femoral n.
  11. Iliacus
    Origin: iliac fossa.

    Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur.

    Action: flexes hip.

    Innervation: femoral n.
  12. Psoas Minor - exists in roughly 60% of population
    Origin: bodies of vertebrae T12-L1.

    Insertion: illiopubic eminence.

    Action: minor flexion of lumbar spine.

    Innervation: lumbar nerve L1.
  13. Psoas Major
    Origin: all lumbar vertebrae(transverse processes and bodies.)

    Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur.

    Action: flexes trunk & thigh.

    Innervation: lumbar nerves(L1-L3.)
  14. Obturator Externus
    Origin: obturator foramen(bony outer aspect), outer obturator membrane.

    Insertion: trochanteric fossa.

    Action: lateral rotation of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: obturator n.
  15. Quadratus Femoris
    Origin: ischial tuberosity.

    Insertion: greater trochanter of femur(inferior posterior aspect.)

    Action: lateral rotation of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: n. to quadratus femoris.
  16. Gemellus Inferior
    Origin: ischial tuberosity.

    Insertion: greater trochanter of femur.

    Action: lateral rotation, some abduction of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: n. to quadratus femoris
  17. Gemellus Superior
    Origin: ischial spine.

    Insertion: greater trochanter of femur.

    Action: lateral rotation, some abduction of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: n. to obturator internus.
  18. Obturator Internus
    Origin: obturator foramen(bony inner aspect), inner obturator membrane.

    Insertion: greater trochanter of femur.

    Action: lateral rotation, some abduction of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: n. to obturator internus.
  19. Piriformis
    Origin: anterior sacrum.

    Insertion: greater trochanter of femur.

    Action: lateral rotation, some abduction of hip/thigh.

    Innervation: n. to piriformis.
  20. Gluteus Minimus
    Origin: outer surface of ilium(between anterior and posterior gluteal lines.)

    Insertion: greater trochanter of femur(anterior surface.)

    Action: abducts, medially rotates hip/thigh.

    Innervation: superior gluteal n.
  21. Tensor Fascia Latae
    Origin: anterior crest of ilium, anterior superior iliac spine.

    Insertion: iliotibial tract of fascia lata.

    Action: flex, abduct, medially rotate hip/thigh.

    Innervation: inferior gluteal n.
  22. Gluteus Medius
    Origin: crest & outer surface of ilium(between anterior and posterior gluteal lines.)

    Insertion: greater trochanter of femur(lateral surface.)

    Action: abducts hip/thigh(anterior fibers flex/medially rotate, posterior fibers extend/laterally rotate.)

    Innervation: superior gluteal n.
  23. Gluteus Maximus
    Origin: posterior ilium, posterior inferior sacrum & coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament.

    Insertion: gluteal tuberosity, iliotibial tract of fascia lata.

    Action: extension, lateral rotation of thigh.

    Innervation: inferior gluteal nerve.
Card Set
Origin, Insertion, Action, Innervation