Recognize the central theme of the whole of Scripture. (Sect. 1)
• The central theme of the whole of Scripture is the Kingdom of God. It is the message of Jesus, who is the center of Scripture.
The study of the subject of the End, the Last Days.
The powers of the End of history are being unleashed in present history – this is the present in-breaking of the Kingdom
inaugurated eschatology
Enacted inaugurated eschatology
Christians should be actively engaged in this unleashing of the powers of the End of history (the in-breaking of the Kingdom) now. We are to announce it, do it, demonstrate it and teach it, just as Jesus did. The Kingdom of God is here. This is power and kingdom theology.
Recognize the three main visions of the coming Kingdom of God and their significant features.
- Vision #1: The Exodus Event
- The Exodus event is the first obvious reference to the Kingdom of God in Scripture. “The Lord will reign forever and ever.” – Exodus 15:18. The rule and reign of God is an accurate description of the Kingdom of God.
- 1.Collision of Powers between Yahweh (YHWH) and Egypt
- 2.Revelation of the Divine Name
- 3.Plagues
- Vision#2The Davidic Monarchy
- The period of time during the reigns of David and Solomon was known as Israel’s Golden Age. For these two generations, God ruled a nation on Earth.
- 3.3.1. David’s ordination as God’s king (Psalm 2)
- 3.3.2. 2 Samuel 7
- 3.3.3. 2 Samuel 8
- 3.3.4. 1 Kings 4: Solomon’s table
- Multiplication – revival, growth of God’s people
- Party time – they ate, drank, and were happy
- Abundance
- Shalom – not only the absence of war but the good life in every sense
- • Peace on all sides.
- Power
- • Lifestyle – how to live wisely, wisdom
- • Songs – Song of Solomon, worship and love
- • Worldview – biologist, zoologist, ornithologist, herpetologist, ichthyologist
- The rule of God over all of life
- • Individual and corporate
- • Spiritual and material
- • Every aspect of life under the rule of God – when the Kingdom of God comes and his government has arrived, it affects all of life, not just our spiritual lives.
- 3.3.5. 1 Kings 10: The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon
- This is a picture of the unchurched visiting the churched when God is present.
- SUMMARY: This picture of the Kingdom of God, demonstrated in David’s and Solomon’s reigns, is burnt into Israel’s memory. It established the Kingdom expectation into which Jesus came. When Jesus announced the Kingdom had come, Israel pictured this glorious kingdom.
- 3.4.Vision #3: The Prophetic Promise
- After the high point of Solomon’s rule, Israel’s fortunes went through a severe crisis. Israel degenerated into Baal worship and lost the Kingdom of God.
- 3.4.1. The Lord is King (Exodus event and Davidic monarchy) vs. The Lord will become King (Isaiah and Daniel)
- 3.4.2. Prophetic warnings – the loss of the kingdom
- 3.4.3. The New Promise- God will come again
- 3.4.4. Visions from Daniel – Daniel adds a dramatic twist to the Kingdom of God picture
- 3.4.5. The Inter-Testamental Period
- Waiting for 400 years with such expectations!
- • God did nothing! There were no prophets
Recognize the three key words describing the New Testament Kingdom of God.
- 1.Immediately (or “At once”)
- 2. Authority
- 3.Mystery
Recognize the four different ways in which Jesus talked about the timing of the Kingdom of God.
- 1.The Kingdom of God will come in the future.
- 2.The Kingdom of God is now present.
- 3.The Kingdom of God is near, or at hand.
- 4.The Kingdom of God has been delayed
- The Kingdom is simultaneously present, near, delayed and future – this is how God works.