Primary Industries
The primary sector of the economy involves changing natural resources into primary products. Most products from this sector are considered raw materials for other industries. Major businesses in this sector include agriculture, agribusiness, fishing, forestry and all mining and quarrying industries.
fishing industry
second largest exports, fishing and seaweed harvesting.
forestry industry
seeds/nuts, leaves, branches, trunk, sap
three types of mining products
metals, non-metals, fossil fuels
three types of metals
precious metals, common metals, alloys
fossil fuel industry
sources of energy for out transportation needs
Secondary industries
the manufacture of finished products. Examples of secondary industry divisions include automobile manufacturing, steel production and telecommunications, construction
key developmetns in power, transportation, and communication
- Power: Energy Efficiency
- Trandportation: faster transportation
- communication: tella graph
Durable and non durable manufacturing
durable (long periods between successive purchases) goods include cars, home appliances, consumer electronics, furniture, sports equipment, and toys.
non durable goods only last a while. cosmetics and cleaning products, food, fuel, office supplies, packaging and containers, paper and paper products
teriatry industries
The segment of the economy that provides services to its consumers. This includes a wide range of businesses including financial institutions, schools, transports and restaurants
Five caregories service jobs given by the US Department of Labor
Infrastucture, trade, finance, general services, government
capitalism and socialism
- "capitalism" means the private (non-government) ownership of the means of production
- "socialism" means the ownership and control of the means of production by the workers themselves
Development, value added, division of labor, market, exports, imports, tariff, embargo
- Development: a business encompassing activities from renovation to the purchase of raw land
- value added: "extra" features of an item of interest
- division of labor: Specialization in the production process.
- market: place where goods are purchesed
- exports: goods that are shipped
- imports: goods that are brought for sale
- tariff: a tax placed on incoming goods
- embargo: not trading with other countries
language being the foundationf of culture
with out it there would be no way to express your self or to communicate
eight main culture regions on the world
Anglo-America, Australia and New Zealand, East Asia, Europe, Islamic Region Latin America/Caribbean, Pacific Islands, Russia/Eurasia, South Asia Southeast Asia, Sub-Sahara Africa
cultural transmition
Family, Religion, Education system, nation
five major religions of the world
formal and informal education
- formal: What students are taught from the syllabus.
- informal: Consists of the norms and values acquired from the school environment, such as doing what you are told and acceptance of a hierarchy
Demographics, vital statistics, infant mortality, urbanization, population denstiy, diplomacy
- Demographics: characteristics of a human population as used in government, marketing or opinion research
- vital statistics: birth certificates, death records and marriage records
- infant mortality: baby deaths per year
- urbanization: the physical growth of urban areas as a result of global change
- population denstiy: people per mile
- diplomacy: practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states
role of government. two basic types of government.
- the parameters of fair competition in the free US marketplace, for adjudicating private disputes, and for protecting its people.
- Dictatorship and Democracy
Rex Lex and Lex Rex
Rex Lex king obays the law and Lex Rex is law is king
National relationships
Ambassadors, embassies and the forgeign service