Chem 1 Notes

  1. Sig Fig Rules:
    • 1. Non zero numbers always count
    • 2. Zeros trapped between non zeros always count.
    • 3. Zeros before non zeros do not count.
    • 4. Zeros after decimals always count
  2. Sig Fig Examples

    104.85 =
    8.500 =
    0.0006 =
    500.0 =
    • 104.85 = 5
    • 8.500 = 4
    • 0.0006 = 1
    • 500.0 = 4
  3. Sig Fig with Scientific Notation

    5.000 x 103 =
    5.00 x 103 =
    5.0 x 103 =
    • 5.000 x 103 = 4
    • 5.00 x 103 = 3
    • 5.0 x 103 = 2
  4. Adding and Subtracting Sig Fig: always....
    ...round to the figure with the lowest number of digits following the decimal point.

    • i.e. 1.0342193 + 2.3 = 3.3342193
    • Round to 1 dp = 3.3
  5. Multiplying and Dividing: always...
    ...round to the figure with the lowest number of significant figures.

    • e.g. 30.3 x 0.004 = 0.1212
    • Round to 1 sf = 0.1
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Chem 1 Notes
My random Chemistry Notes that may not make sense to anyone else.