sat 6

  1. Egregious
    • out of the group, outstandingly bad
    • Greg (group)
  2. a) Pellucid
    b) Translucent
    • a) very clear, transparent
    • b) permitting the passage of light
    • LUC (light)

  3. Affluent
    • to flow in abundance,
    • wealthy
    • FLU (flow)
  4. a) Antipathy
    b) Empathy
    • a) feeling against someone or something , dislike
    • b) feeling the same thing as someone else
    • PATHOS (feeling)
  5. Acrid
    • unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor
    • ACRI/ACER (very sharp)
  6. Confluence
    • to flow together, convergence
    • FLU (flow)
  7. Diffident
    • lack of faith in oneself, lack of confidence
    • FID (faith)
  8. Acrimonious
    • full of spite, bitter, nasty
    • ACRI/ACER (very sharp)
  9. Superfluous
    • to flow above, hence exceeding what is necessary
    • FLU (flow)
  10. a) Fidelity
    b) Infidelity
    • a) loyalth, faithfulness
    • b) unfaithfulness
    • FID (faith)
  11. a) Acuity
    b) Acumen
    • a) keenness of perception
    • b) mental sharpness
    • ACRI/ACER (very sharp)
  12. Complacent
    • to be so calm as to be self-satisfied, smug
    • PLAC (calm)
  13. Perfidious
    • treacherous, untrustworthy
    • FID (faith)
  14. Acute
    • a sharp angle, very keen
    • ACRI/ACER (very sharp)
  15. Implacable
    • incapable of being calmed, relentless
    • PLAC (calm)
  16. a) Elucidate
    b) Lucid
    • a) to make clear, clarify
    • b) emitting or reflecting steady, suffused, or glowing light
    • LUC (light)
  17. Exacerbate
    • to sharpen or aggravate a conflice, inflame
    • ACRI/ACER (very sharp)
  18. Placate
    • to calm the anger of
    • PLAC (calm)
Card Set
sat 6