Quel temps fait-il?
What's the weather like?
Il fait beau
it's beautiful weather
Il y a du soleil
it's sunny
Le ciel est bleu
the sky is blue
Il y a du brouillard
it's foggy
Il y a des nuages
It's cloudy
Le ciel est couvert
the sky is overcast
Le ciel est gris
the sky is gray
Il y a du vent
It's windy
Il fait mauvais
The weather is bad
Il y a du verglas
it's icy, slippery
Il y a un orage
there is a storm
Il y a des eclairs
There is lighting
Il y a du tonnerre
there is thunder
J'ai chaud/froid
I'm hot/cold
la meteo(rologie)
weather/weather report