social science locations

  1. Anacostia Flats
    Open space in Washington, D.C., in which the Bonus Army camped during its protest
  2. Atlantic City, New Jersey
    Location of an American Federation of Labor convention at which William Green ignored John L. Lewis’s suggestions, prompting him to walk out and later organize the Committee for Industrial Organization
  3. Berlin, Germany
    German city in which the stock exchange crashed upon hearing news of the Wall Street crash of 1929
  4. Blue Ridge Parkway
    69-mile path that extends from Virginia’s Shenandoah National Park to North Carolina’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park
  5. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire
    Location of a 1944 conference in which major nations agreed on a new international economic structure
  6. Brooklyn, New York
    Location of Schechter Poultry Corporation
  7. Central Avenue, Los Angeles
    Area of Los Angeles in which African Americans developed a feeling of community and shared culture
  8. Central Valley
    Middle of California
  9. Chattanooga, Tennessee
    Town in which the Scottsboro boys boarded the freight train on which the Scottsboro incident occurred
  10. Chicago, Illinois
    Large city that was one of the first to experience the problem of crowding and traffic; from 1931 to 1932, it did not pay its teachers for several months due to economic difficulties
  11. Coachella Valley
    Area irrigated by the All-American Canal
  12. Dearborn, Michigan
    Location of a Ford plant at which four people were killed during a protest
  13. Flint, Michigan
    Location of a Chevrolet body plant at which workers executed a successful sit-down strike, forcing General Motors to recognize the United Automobile Workers
  14. Grand Rapids, Michigan
    City that paid its employees with scrip after the stock market crash and bank panic
  15. Guantanamo Bay
    Location of American naval base in Cuba
  16. Harlem, New York
    Area of New York in which African Americans developed a feeling of community and rent parties were held
  17. Havana, Cuba
    Cuban city with a harbor that the American navy occupied, effectively stifling the revolution led by Grau San Martin
  18. Hyde Park
    Rural area in which Franklin D. Roosevelt grew up peacefully, enjoying various pursuits such as horseback-riding and sailing
  19. Imperial Valley
    Area irrigated by the All-American Canal
  20. Jefferson County
    Alabama county in which government relief doubled from 1926 to 1928
  21. Kodiak Islands
    Islands restocked with snow-shoe rabbits by 94 Native Americans thanks to the Civil Works Administration
  22. Lausanne, Switzerland
    Location of an international conference at which Europe proposed the cancellation of 90% of German reparations to Great Britain and France in exchange for an equal cancellation of British and French debt to the United States
  23. Levittown, New York
    Town based entirely on mass-produced suburban houses
  24. London, England
    English city in which the stock exchange crashed upon hearing news of the Wall Street crash of 1929
  25. Long Beach, California
    Hometown of Francis Townsend
  26. Manchuria
    Chinese province occupied by Japan in 1931
  27. Mayflower Hotel
    Building in which Al Smith told an upper class audience that “there can be only one capital, Washington or Moscow”
  28. Memphis, Tennessee
    Destination of the train on which the Scottsboro incident occurred
  29. Minneapolis, Minnesota
    City in which Organized Unemployed Inc. established headquarters and two people died during a conflict between strikers and security guards
  30. Montevideo, Uruguay
    Location of the Seventh International Conference of American States
  31. Muscle Shoals, Alabama
    Location of a power plant operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority
  32. Nashville, Tennessee
    Location of the headquarters of Caldwell and Company
  33. Pacific Crest Trail
    2,650-mile path that extends from Mexico to Canada; passes through California, Oregon, and Washington
  34. Paris, France
    French city in which the stock exchange crashed upon hearing news of the Wall Street crash of 1929
  35. Pearl Harbor
    American naval base in Hawaii; the Japanese attack on it triggered United States participation in World War II
  36. Rhineland
    Western Germany; marked as a demilitarized zone by the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I
  37. Rosebud Reservation
    South Dakota Native American reservation on which the Lakota tribe lived
  38. San Francisco, California
    City in which Harry Bridges and the International Longshoremen’s Association planned the San Francisco General Strike
  39. Scottsboro, Alabama
    Location of the trial that examined the Scottsboro incident
  40. Southside, Chicago
    Area of Chicago in which African Americans developed a feeling of community and shared culture
  41. Sudetenland
    Western Czechoslovakia; given to Germany in pursuit of a policy of appeasement
  42. Tenino, Washington
    Town that circulated wood money after the failure of its local bank
  43. Tokyo, Japan
    Japanese city in which the stock exchange crashed upon hearing news of the Wall Street crash of 1929
  44. Wall Street
    Street in New York that is the home of the stock exchange
  45. Warm Springs, Georgia
    Location of a resort at which Franklin D. Roosevelt enjoyed relaxing after contracting polio
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social science locations
social science locations