
  1. Forced entry on arrest warrants
    • 1st party – with the following 3 listed items
    • 1. Officer reasonably believes suspect is present
    • 2. Knock & announce is employed
    • 3. Seriousness of the crime necessitates entry
    • *A ruse may be employed
  2. Forced entry on arrest warrants
    3rd party NEVER without exigency
  3. Perjury 1st
    • Person under oath makes a false statement while: under oath in court (i.e. official proceeding)
    • Class B Felony
    • 9A.72.020
  4. Perjury 2nd
    • Person under oath makes a False Statement while:
    • Under the terms of a contract of insurance
    • OR To mislead a public servant while performing their duty (to LE).
    • Class C Felony
    • 9A.72.030
  5. Probable Cause
    Means reasonable grounds to believe that a crime has been committed and that a particular suspect has committed it.
  6. Probable Cause developed by...
    • My personal observations
    • OR Observations by other officers
    • OR Info related by other agencies
    • OR Agency records
    • OR Physical evidence
    • OR Info from citizens
  7. Trial Processes
    • 1. Opening statements
    • 2. State’s case
    • 3. Defense case
    • 4. Rebuttal witnesses
    • 5. Closing statements
    • 6. Jury instructions
    • 7. Jury deliberations
  8. Hearings
    • 1. First hearing – next judicial day
    • 2. PC hearing – within 48 hours
    • 3. Charges filed – within 72 hours
    • 4. Arraignment / Plea hearing – within 14 days
  9. Rule 3.1
    If you can’t read Miranda you can say – you have the right to council
  10. Witness – Intimidation of a Witness
    • Threatens a witness to influence: Person’s Testimony
    • OR Induce person to avoid summons to testify
    • OR Avoid testifying
    • OR NOT Report Info about child abuse
    • OR Person NOT give Truthful Testimony about Child Abuse.
    • Class B Felony
    • 9A.72.110
  11. Tampering with a Witness
    • Attempts to induce a witness by:
    • Withhold or Give False Testimony
    • OR Avoid any official proceeding
    • OR Withhold info abut child abuse
    • Class C Felony
    • 9A.72.120
Card Set
WA Criminal Law