Lecture 1 Pentateuch and former prophets.txt

  1. State the six core themes of the Pentateuch and Former Prophets.
    • 1. God's promise to Abraham and his descendents
    • 2. God's election of a people to Himself
    • 3. God's deliverance of those people from bondage, "with a might hand and an outstretched arm"
    • 4. God's covenant with his people
    • 5. The covenant Law that God gave His people
    • 6. The land God promised his people
  2. Recognize the three key hermeneutical principles in the Primeval Prologue:
    • 1.What did the original author want the original audience to understand?
    • 2. Inspired authors drew upon the material and manner of speaking about origins(creation) that was part of the culture and literary tradition of the day
    • 3. The genre of the prologue is neither history nor myth in the modern sense, but it is a narrative intended to combat the false polytheistic beliefs of the day with the truth about the nature of the one true God and his creation(i.e. Polemic)
  3. Define polemic:
    An aggressive refutation of another's position or principle
  4. State the three key assertions about God and humankind in th story of creation.
    • 1. God's sovereignty is demonstrated through creation
    • 2. Humankind's responsiblity derives from God creating humans in His image and establishing a boundary of obedience for them
    • 3. Human relationships were broken as a result of their sin in the garden
  5. Recognize the depth of sin: the three ways human relationships are broken as a result of humankinds sin in the garden.
    • 1. Broken relationship with God
    • 2. Broken relationship with one another.
    • 3. Broken relationship with God's creation
  6. Recognize the breadth of sin: the aspects of the acceleration avalanche of sin:
    • 1. murder and retaliation: Cain and Lamech
    • 2. An ultimate transgression of God's boundaries : the Flood
    • 3. Humankind's great pride: The tower of Babel
  7. Scholar's Debate- 7 days or not?
    Six/ 24 hour days vs. Six Epochs
    What is this an argument for?
    The Hebrew "yom" is usually translated "day"
    creation was Six, 24 hour days
  8. Scholar's Debate- Who are the "sons of God" in Genesis 6: 1-4?
    Who is this an argument for?
    1. THe line of those who know and seek the Lord 2. Scripture consistently teaches against mixing the godly and ungodly in marriage 3. OT can refer to God's people as His sons 4. Jesus said angels are like what people will be in the resurrection; they neither marry nor are given in marriage 5. Alternative view defies the normality of our experience and lends a mythological tone to the narrative.
    That the Sons of God refer to the Godly line of Seth
  9. What is this an arguement for?
    1. Fallen angels who came and had sex with women.
    2. No evidence that the godly and ungodly lines are kept totally separate at this point in time.
    3. The term “sons of God” usually refers to angels in the OT (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; Ps. 29:1; 89:7; Dan. 3:25).
    4. Early Jewish writers follow this view (Enoch 6:2; Qumran Genesis Apocryphon, col. 2; Jubilees 4-5).
    5. Congruence with Jude 6 and possibly 1 Pet. 3:19-20 and 2 Pet. 2:4-6.
    6. Jesus said angels “do not marry”, not “cannot marry.”
    That the Sons of God are fallen angels
  10. Scholar's Debate- 7 days or not?
    Six/ 24 hour days vs. Six Epochs
    What are these arguments for?
    3. “And there was morning and there was evening” suggests sunrise and sunset.
    4. Other positions are used to introduce an evolutionary viewpoint on creation.
    The creation was six/24 hour days
  11. Scholar's Debate- 7 days or not?
    Six/ 24 hour days vs. Six Epochs
    What are these arguments for?
    1. God typically works within the laws of nature he established.
    2. The word translated “day” is also used for any period of time. See Gen. 2:4b; Ps. 90:4; Isa. 4:2.
    The the World was made in Six Epochs
  12. Scholar's Debate- 7 days or not?
    Six/ 24 hour days vs. Six Epochs
    What are these arguments for?
    3. This is a poetic passage so the “morning and evening” are easily understood to be the dawning and closing of an epoch. Besides, Gen. 1:14-19 tells us that the sun and moon were not created until the fourth “day.”
    4. That God would take a great deal of time (by our standards) to create a habitat for humankind demonstrates his great love for us.
    That the world was made in six Epochs
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Lecture 1 Pentateuch and former prophets.txt
Lecture 1- Intro, creation, and Sin