
  1. Alismataceae
    • water plantain
    • e.g. Sagitarria, Alisma
    • nothing fused
    • hypogenous (flowers not always perfect)
    • emergent
    • veins arched, not true parallel, leaves fleshy
    • flowers pink or white, petals look crumpled, not long lived
  2. Potamogetonaceae
    • pondweed
    • rooted in mud, submerged, float
    • floating leaves may differ from submerged ones
    • leaves alternate & simple
    • flowers very reduced
  3. Commelinaceae
    • dayflower, spiderwort
    • 2 genera, regular flowers (Tradescantia), irregular flowers (Commelina)
    • stem & leaves fleshy
    • sepals & petals differ in color & texture
    • flower clusters born in spathe (in most)
    • showy petals, delicate, open for <1 day
    • early summer
  4. Araceae
    • Arum (jack in pulpit), Symplocarpus (skunk cabbage)
    • reduces imperfect flowers, often lacking petals & sepals
    • change sex as grow, immature (male), mature (female)
    • fleshy spike (spadix) w/ spathe
    • leaf not always parallel veined
  5. Lemnaceae
    • duckweed, Wolfia, Lemna, Spirodella
    • smallest of angiosperms
    • body just a thallus (can't divide into root & stem)
    • 1 reduced flower, 1 ovary or stamen enclosed by spathe
    • usually reproduce by budding
  6. Juncaceae
    • Juncus (rush)
    • 3 or 6 stamens
    • pistil either 3 chambered or 3 styles in 1 chamber
    • flowers not showy
    • round stem
    • wetlands
  7. Cyperaceae
    • sedge
    • Carex, Scirpus (bulrush), Cyperus (flat sedges, nutsedge), Eleocharis
    • sepals & petals missing or reduced to bristles
    • flower protected by 1 bract below
    • 1 ovary, 1 seed, 2 or 3 carpels, 3 or 6 stamens
    • some may be imperfect flowers
    • stems often triangular, leaves alternate
  8. Poaceae
    • usually round stems, leaves in 2 rows, 2 bracts below each flower
    • 1 seeded ovary, fused to wall, grain
    • usually 2 feathery styles, 3 stamens
    • lodicules - scales
    • flowers enclosed by 2 bracts
    • lemna - modified leaf to protect flower
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plant family descriptions