History question 3 chapter 7

  1. What was the first problem?
    The constitutional convention settled many disagreements through the states through compromise. One problem was that large and small states couldn't agree on how many representatives each would have in congress.
  2. What was the solution to the first problem?
    The solution was to have 2 houses in congress. In one house, called the senate, each state would get two senators no matter how many people lived in the state. In the other house, the house of representatives, the number of representatives a state got would depend on ho many people lived in that state.
  3. What was the second problem?
    The second problem was that the north wanted to count slaves only as property for taxes, and the south wanted to count slaves only as population for representation in congress.
  4. What was the solution to the second problem?
    The solution was to count slaves as 3/5 of a person, both for the representation in congress, and taxes.
  5. What was the third problem?
    The third problem was that the north wanted the government to control trade and end the slave trade. The south was afraid that the government would put taxes on their exports, and put and end to the slave trade.
  6. What was the solution to the third problem?
    The solution was that congress was given control over trade except for exports and the slave trade.
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History question 3 chapter 7
Describe 3 problems in the constitutional convention, and how compromises solved the problem.