history flashcards.txt

  1. Anthropocene
    (look at notes)
  2. Homogenocene
    (look at notes)
  3. Globalization
    (look at notes)
  4. Globality
    (look at notes)
  5. Global Imaginary
    (look at notes)
  6. Social Network
    (look at notes)
  7. Tribe
    (look at notes)
  8. Environmentalism
    (look at notes)
  9. How is globalization an historical or dynamic process?
    (look at notes)
  10. What role does technology play in globalization?
    (look at notes)
  11. How has environmentalism evolved?
    (look at notes)
  12. John Muir
    (look at notes)
  13. hunting preserves
    (look at notes)
  14. forest service
    (look at notes)
  15. colonialism
    (look at notes)
  16. imperialism
    (look at notes)
  17. Kipling | White Man's Burden
    (look at notes)
  18. settler colonies
    (look at notes)
  19. "Scramble for Africa"
    (look at notes)
  20. Boer War
    (look at notes)
  21. Meiji Dynasty
    (look at notes)
  22. Sun Yat Sen
    (look at notes)
  23. Raj
    (look at notes)
  24. 1. How did one strand of conservation-based environmentalism grow out of colonial rule?
    (look at notes)
  25. 2. Why did the British fight the Boer War?
    (look at notes)
  26. 3. Whats the difference between colonialism and imperialism?
    (look at notes)
  27. 4. How do economics and natural resources tie into colonialism and imperialism?
    civilizing mission
  28. Rudyard Kipling
    (look at notes)
  29. public school
    (look at notes)
  30. Charles Darwin
    (look at notes)
  31. Louis Pasteur
    (look at notes)
  32. germ theory of disease
    (look at notes)
  33. human rights (esp. women & slavery)
    (look at notes)
  34. 1. What is JMR saying about how different human populations were in 1900 and now? In terms of their cultures and practices? In terms of sheer numbers?
    (look at notes)
  35. 3. How do forms of political, gender and racial discrimination affect the types of education or other "goods" of civilization being delivered?
    look at notes
  36. 2. How do science and science/technical education play powerful roles in transforming or "civilizing" many disparate populations?
    (look at notes)

  37. Young Turks
    (look at notes)
  38. dreadnoughts
    (look at notes)
  39. great powers
    (look at notes)
  40. nation-state system (Steger)
    (look at notes)
  41. Ottoman succession
    (look at notes)
  42. Yugoslavia
    (look at notes)
  43. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk - March 1918
    (look at notes)
  44. Balfour Declaration
    (look at notes)
  45. bolsheviks
    (look at notes)
  46. Fourteen Points
    (look at notes)
  47. How did the demise of the Ottoman Empire lead to the Great War (1914-1918)?
    (look at notes)
  48. How did the Great War usher in American economic and military predominance in the world?
    (look at notes)
  49. How did the Great War lead to many problems that continue to plague the Middle East?
    (look at notes)
  50. What effects did the Great War have on colonies and colonial subjects?
    (look at notes)
  51. Mohammed ibn Saud
    (look at notes)
  52. Abdul Wahhab
    (look at notes)
  53. Lawrence of Arabia
    (look at notes)
  54. Anglo-Persian Oil Company (BP)
    (look at notes)
  55. Aligarh University | Constantinople University | Al Azhar University
    (look at notes)
  56. Jamaluddin the Afghan
    (look at notes)
  57. Kemal Ataturk
    (look at notes)
  58. Reza Pahlavi
    (look at notes)
  59. Deobandis
    (look at notes)
  60. Muslim Brotherhood
    (look at notes)
  61. What were the two basic attitudes towards "reform" in the Islamic World?
    (look at notes)
  62. How did Western interventions disrupt Islamic modernizers?
    (look at notes)
  63. Why did Wahhabists and affiliated groups gain power in the 1930s and 1940s?
    (look at notes)
  64. comintern
    (look at notes)
  65. V.I. Lenin
    (look at notes)
  66. M.K. Gandhi
    (look at notes)
  67. Hind Swaraj
    (look at notes)
  68. satyagraha
    (look at notes)
  69. Kerensky
    (look at notes)
  70. October Revolution
    (look at notes)
  71. Bolshevik
    (look at notes)
  72. Unto This Last (1860)
    (look at notes)
  73. Three Gorges Dam
    (look at notes)
  74. 4. How does the Russian Revolution go from a relatively peaceful, democratic movement in February 1917 to a relatively violent, un-democratic one by 1919?
    look at notes
  75. 3. Why does the Russian Revolution happen in Russia in 1917? What factors led to that?
    look at notes
  76. 2. Does environmentalism require a democratic society?
    look at notes
  77. 1. Why are the environmental effects of the Russian Revolution (and the Chinese) so generally destructive?
    (look at notes)

  78. propaganda (agit-prop)
    (look at notes)
  79. documentary film
    (look at notes)
  80. psychological warfare
    (look at notes)
  81. Americanization (Steger)
    (look at notes)
  82. glocalization (Steger)
    (look at notes)
  83. "War of the Worlds" (1938)
    (look at notes)
  84. Triumph of the Will (1934)
    (look at notes)
  85. Charlie Chaplain
    (look at notes)
  86. 1. What are the two differing views on mass media and cultural globalization expressed in Steger?
    (look at notes)
  87. 2. Why are the inventions of radio, film and broadcast media in the 20th century so radically different, possibly more powerful, than older print technology for spreading ideas?
    (look at notes)
  88. 3. How does the development of radio technology reshape cultural and physical environments.
    (look at notes)
  89. May 4th Movement
    (look at notes)
  90. Li Ta Chao
    (look at notes)
  91. gold standard
    (look at notes)
  92. Franklin Roosevelt
    (look at notes)
  93. "The Doctrine of Fascism"
    (look at notes)
  94. Stock Market Crash of 1929
    (look at notes)
  95. 1937 Paris Exposition
    (look at notes)
  96. How did the Great Depression drive support for Fascist movements?
    (look at notes)
  97. Was the New Deal a Socialist, a Fascist or a uniquely American program of reforms?
    (look at notes)
  98. How did the Great Depression influence independence movements in India and China?
    (look at notes)
  99. total war
    (look at notes)
  100. Guernica
    (look at notes)
  101. Battle of Moscow (1941-42)
    (look at notes)
  102. Pearl Harbor
    (look at notes)
  103. lend-lease
    (look at notes)
  104. Nanking (1938)
    (look at notes)
  105. appeasement
    (look at notes)
  106. isolationism
    (look at notes)
  107. holocaust
    (look at notes)
  108. What were some of the triggers that started World War II?
    (look at notes)
  109. Why did the major powers involved, including the Allies, advocate total destruction of cities and populations even though it meant heavy civilian casualties?
    (look at notes)
  110. How did World War II end one era and begin another (think empires, nation states, and the global economy)?
    (look at notes)
Card Set
history flashcards.txt
key words