Pharmacogenomics Part 1

  1. What are the 8 factors in variability?
    • 1. gender
    • 2. drug therapy
    • 3. race
    • 4. diet
    • 5. age
    • 6. weight
    • 7. disease
    • 8. genetics
  2. What percentage of drugs only work in 30-50% of people?
    90 percent
  3. Getting the prescription right on the first try is important in which 4 areas?
    • serious infections
    • depression
    • major pain
    • high blood pressure
  4. How many base pairs were discovered in The Human Genome Project?
    3 million
  5. Which company can decode you genome for $350,000?
  6. Which 2 companies can give you a mllion alles of common variation?
    23andMe and deCODEme
  7. How many chromosomes do humans have?
  8. This many genes code for proteins that perform all life functions?
  9. The 3 different areas where variability in proteins can affect drug performance in a person?
    Transporters, receptors, metabolizing enzymes
  10. It is estimated that up to 60% of ADRS are caused by polymorphic variation in {blank}
    Cytochrome P450 metabolizing enzymes
  11. What is the wild type considered?
    It is the native or normal.
  12. What does SNP stand for?
    single nucleotide polymorphism
  13. Polymorphisms in the ______ gene account for 25% of the dose variation in warfarin
  14. What are 6 ethical issues in the patient perspective?
    • 1. privacy of information
    • 2. consent to testing
    • 3. access to testing
    • 4. preventive vs. treatment
    • 5. family members
    • 6. genetic discrimination (3rd party access, employment)
  15. What are 4 ethical issues from a provider perspective?
    • 1. legal obligation (package insert, expertise)
    • 2. understand signifcance (as it relates to interpretation, as it relates to patient, risk to benefit ratio)
    • 3. patient counseling
    • 4. confidentiality
  16. What is the process of converting DNA to RNA called
  17. What is the conversion RNA to protein called?
  18. What is the defination of mitosis?
    the process by which two identical daughter cells with identical DNA complements are formed from one progenitor cell (normal cell division process)
  19. What is the definition of meiosis?
    meiosis is a process of reductional division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half. In animals, meiosis always results in the formation of gametes.
  20. The cells that result from meiosis will be in the diploid or haploid state?
    haploid state
  21. The cells that result from mitosis will be in the diploid or haploid state?
    They will be in the diploid state
  22. How many cells result from mitosis?
    2 daughter cells
  23. How many cells result from meiosis?
    4 haploid cells
  24. Do mutations occur in meiosis or mitosis?
    they can occur in both
  25. Name some potential causes of mutations
    UV radiation, ionizing radiation, viruses, chemical mutations
  26. What is an oligonucleotide?
    is a short nucleic acid polymer, typically with twenty or fewer bases
  27. What is the name of the enzyme that are best-known for their role in DNA replication, in which the enzyme "reads" an intact DNA strand as a template and uses it to synthesize the new strand.?
    DNA polymerase
  28. In which direction does DNA polymerase extend an oligonucleotide?
    5' to 3' direction
  29. What is the rate of error in transcription?
    1 error per 10 to the 8 to 10 to the 10 base pairs
  30. How much of the entire genome is transcribed?
  31. What is the enzyme that synthesizes RNA?
    RNA polymerase
  32. RNA synthesis proceeds in which direction?
    5' to 3' direction
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Pharmacogenomics Part 1
pharmacogenomics Part 1