
  1. Anything which occupies space and has mass
  2. Releases H+ in H2O
  3. Involoves the sharing od electrons
    Covalent bond
  4. Indicates the quantity of protons in an atom
    Atomic number
  5. Substance dissolves
  6. Releases OH- in H2O
  7. Involves the giving of electrons
    Ionic bond
  8. Dissolving medium
  9. drawing of a molecules physical arrangement
    structural formula
  10. Explain the difference between diffusion and osmosis.
    • diffusion- molecules in an area of high concentration moving to a low one
    • Osmosis- H2O molecules moving through a semi-permiable membrane
  11. List two effects of acid rain
    • Waxy covering on mlants is removes
    • Acid smog
    • Fish bone calcium depletes
  12. Smallest unit possible
  13. endothermic reation
    w+x+energy->y+z heat is absorbed
  14. exothermic reation
    a+b->c+d+energy heat is let out.
  15. Part, Charge, Location
    • nucleus neutral center
    • electron negitive around the nucleus
    • protron positive around the nucleus
  16. acid portion on the pH scale
    0 to 6.9
  17. Base part on the pH scale
    7.1 to 14
  18. Chemicals that contain carbon
    Organic compound
  19. Chemicals not containing carbon
    inorganic compound
  20. That which is logical
    Van Helmont tree experiment
  21. A hunch that works
    Doctrine of Signatures
  22. That which is accepted by faith
    Crossing a bridge
  23. Repeated observation
    Spontaneous generation
  24. What everybody believes
    Doctrine of humors
  25. The Word of God
    The Bible
  26. List 5 attributes of life
    • Made of cells
    • Able to reproduce
    • Death
    • High level of orginization
    • Requires energy
  27. 5 limitations of science
    • Can not prove or disprove universal statements
    • Human can make mistakes
    • Can not establish truth
    • Can not consider human morals of values
    • Can't precisely study a large group of living orginisms
  28. Two reasons for having a porper Christian attitude about studying biology
    • Subject to Bias
    • Science isn't anti-God
  29. Arachnids have which of the following characteristics?
    1 no antennas
    2 book lungs
    3 four pairs of walking legs
    4 wings usually present
    5 cephalothorax and abdomen
    1 2 3 5
  30. Insects have
    1 no antennas
    2 book lungs
    3 three pairs of walking legs
    4 wings usually present
    5 cephalothorax and abdomen
    3 4
  31. The three main parts of the digestive system
    midgut hindgut foregut
  32. Complete metamorphosis
    • 1 egg
    • 2 larva-eating
    • 3 pupa- changing
    • 4 adult- reproduction
  33. incomplete metamorphosis
    • egg
    • nymph- mini adult
    • adult- able to reproduce
  34. Nucleotides are composed of
    • phosphates
    • bases
    • sugars
  35. The Functions of carbs are
    • energy storage
    • structural
  36. the functions of proteins
    • structural
    • enzymatic
  37. The fuctions of lipids
    • energy storage
    • enzymatic
  38. hydrophobic
  39. hydrophilic
    atracted to water
  40. why are enzymes the essential keys of life?
    They catalyze every reation prefermed by a living organism
  41. dehydration
    water taken away
  42. hydrolysis
    adding water
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