Cardiac Arrhythmias

  1. Rate: 60 -99
    Rhythm: Regular
    P Wave: Exists regular & upright in leads I, II, III & consistant morphology
    QRS complex : narrow < 0.12
    PRI: <= 0.20
    P waves maried to QRS complex
    Normal Sinus Rhythm
  2. Rate: Moslty normal, possibly below 60
    - (changes with respiration, increase during inhalation, decrease during exhalation )
    Rhythm: Regularly irregular (follows Respiration)
    P Wave: Exists regular & upright in leads I, II, III & consistant morphology
    QRS complex : narrow < 0.12
    PRI: <= 0.20
    P waves maried to QRS complex
    Sinus Arrythmia
  3. Rate: <60
    Rhythm: Regular
    P Wave: Exists regular & upright in leads I, II, III & consistant morphology
    QRS complex : narrow < 0.12
    PRI: <= 0.20
    P waves maried to QRS complex
    Sinus Bradycardia
  4. Rate: >100
    - (often not greater than 160 in resting adults)
    Rhythm: Regular
    P Wave: Exists regular & upright in leads I, II, III & consistant morphology
    QRS complex : narrow < 0.12
    PRI: <= 0.20
    P waves maried to QRS complex
    Sinus Tachycardia
  5. Rate: 140 - 200 bpm
    Rhythm: Regular
    P Wave: Usually not clearly discernible,
    QRS complex : narrow < 0.12
    PRI: N/A
    Superventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
  6. Rate: Changes abruptly & unexpectidly
    - change occurs in a single beat
    - increase to 100-250 bpm, but more likely 140 - 250 bpm
    Rhythm: Regular
    P Wave: Usually not clearly discernible, during PSVT phase
    QRS complex : narrow < 0.12
    PRI: normal while P waves are discernible
    P waves maried to QRS complex, where P waves are discernible
    Bouts last at least 3 beats in a row
    Paroxysml Superventicular Tachycardia (PSVT)
Card Set
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Heart Rhythms according to the rules