Mod G Vocab

  1. Preventive dentistry
    program of patient education, use of fluorides, application of denal sealants, proper nutrition, and plaque control
  2. Dental sealant
    coating that covers the occlusal pits and fissures of teeth
  3. Disclosing agent
    coloring agent that makes plaque visible when applied to teeth
  4. Pontic
    portion of a bridge that replaces the missing tooth
  5. Systemic fluoride
    one of two ways that fluoride is used for dental health care needs. The sources for systemic fluoride include: fluoridated water, foods with fluoride, fluoride tablets and drops
  6. Topical fluoride
    one of two ways that fluoride is used for dental health care needs. The direct application of fluoride only penetrates the outer layer of the tooth enamel.
  7. Plaque control
    minimizing plaque by brushing, flossing, using interdental cleaning aids,and using antimicrobial solutions
  8. Nutrition
    the manner in which foods are used to meet the body's needs
  9. Xerostomia
    dryness of the mouth caused by saliva reduction
  10. Caries
    dental cavities; tooth decay
Card Set
Mod G Vocab
Week 2 day 2 Vocab