
  1. truce
    (agreement) stop of fighting for a time 
  2. simper
    (give a) silly/self-conscious smile 
  3. lackluster
    (of eyes) dull 
  4. belligerent
    (person nation) waging war 
  5. highbrow
    (person) with superior tastes 
  6. mendicant
    a beggar 
  7. chauvinist
    a blindly devoted patriot 
  8. debacle
    a breakup overthrow sudden disaster 
  9. idyll
    a carefree episode or experience 
  10. epiphany
    A Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.
  11. arabesque
    a complex ornate design 
  12. nexus
    a connection tie or link 
  13. dynamo
    a generator something that produces electric current 
  14. cohort
    a group or band of people
  15. elegy
    a lament a melancholy composition 
  16. harangue
    a long passionate speech 
  17. virago
    a loud domineering woman a scold or nag 
  18. paradigm
    a model example or pattern 
  19. recitals
    a number of performance of music 
  20. xenophile (zen-uh-fahyl)
    a person who is attracted to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs
  21. gourmand
    a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
  22. connoisseur
    a person with good judgement (e.g.. in art) 
  23. nostrum
    a quack remedy an untested cure 
  24. incursion
    a raid a sudden attack 
  25. tautology
    a repetition a redundancy 
  26. conundrum
    a riddle dilemma enigma 
  27. cabal
    a scheme or plot a group of plotters 
  28. philistine
    a smug ignorant person one who lacks knowledge 
  29. strut
    a supporting bar 
  30. platitude
    a trite or banal statement unoriginality 
  31. buoyant
    able to float light-hearted 
  32. fledged
    able to fly trained experienced 
  33. ambidextrous
    able to use the left hand or the right equally well 
  34. temperance
    abstinence from alcohol self-control moderation 
  35. esoteric
    abstruse intended only for a small circle of 
  36. cornucopia
    abundant supply 
  37. profuse
  38. invective
    abusive language curses 
  39. obloquy
    abusively detractive language sharp criticism vituperation 
  40. accrue
  41. inured
    accustomed to adapted 
  42. homiletics
    act of preaching 
  43. rave
    act with excessive enthusiasm 
  44. agile
    active quick-moving 
  45. adorn
    add beauty decorate 
  46. surcharge
    additional load/charge 
  47. corroboration
    additional strengthening evidence 
  48. plead
    address a court of law as an advocate 
  49. epithet
  50. avow
    admit. Declare openly
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GRE Vocab List 1