Armande's Study Aid

  1. Which statement is true?

    Everything is art

    Anything can be art. (Context matters!)

    If it's not in a museum, it's not art
    Anything can be art. (Context matters!)
  2. Which statement is true?

    All artist are highly trained professionals

    True artist never need specialized education or training

    Successful artist come from a variety of backgrounds
    Successful artist come from a variety of backgrounds
  3. What are some characteristics of light and value?
    • There are infinite shades of gray
    • Context always matters!
    • Chiaroscuro - technique that creates the illusion of volume(dimension) through strong value contrasts
  4. Which statement is true?

    Beauty is culture-specific

    All art is beautiful

    Beauty is universal and timeless
    Beauty is culture specific
  5. Different Types of Color and their characteristics
    • Hue - another word for color
    • Warm - most reds, oranges, and yellows
    • Cool - most greens, blues, and purples
    • Tint - "color" plus white
    • Shade - "color" plus black
    • Saturation - how pure "color" is
  6. Which statement is true?

    Art is exciting

    Art is boring

    The viewer has to bring something to the table for "art" to happen at all
    The viewer has to bring something to the table for "art" to happen at all
  7. Types of Texture and characteristics
    • Actual texture - what's really there
    • Visual texture - what appears to be there
    • Impasto - heavily textured paint, a thick build up on a painting's surface
    • Trompe l'oeil - "trick the eye," to simulate textures very accurately
  8. Which statement is true?

    Most art is all about concept

    Most art is all about material

    Most art is concerned with both material and concept
    Most art is concerned with both material and concept
  9. What is actual space?
    Always a consideration for sculpture, often a consideration for two-dimensional work as well
  10. What was the potter's wheel used for?
    The wheel was used create clay pottery by using the thowing technique
  11. Types of Illusion of Space
    • Overlapping
    • Relative Size - the size of an object in relation to surrounding ones
    • Linear Perspective - a system of organizing space in 2D media in which lines that are in reality parallel and horizontal are represented as converging diagonals; objects/space between lines get smaller
    • Atmosperic Perspective - aerial; use of texture gradient(closer objects are more detailed) and brightness gradient(lesser intensity of distant objects)
  12. How was glaze used for clay?
    The glaze was used to seal the clay

    The glaze is created through wood firing.
  13. How was the firing process for clay performed?
    Anagamas (japanese style firning kilm or groundhog kiln used for wood firing) that are made into the earth were used to dry and seal the clay pottery.

    The wood used to feed the fire undergound turns into ash and attatches to the pottery while trying to escape to form a seal.

    The process last as long as three days.
  14. What is glass made from?
    Molten sand or silica, mixed with earth minerals
  15. Attributes of Time and Motion
    • Actual time and motion - seen in film and video work, also in kinetic sculture
    • Motion(change) - helps us see time
    • Photography influenced the way painters imaged motion
    • We become aware of our own motion (and therefore time) when we interact with artwork
  16. What is glass blowing and who is famous for this technique?
    Glassblowing is a technique created by the Romans to form different shapes, sizes, colors, and functions with glass.

    A blowpipe is used with molten glass to give shape and the process is rapid.

    Dale Chihuly is famous for his artworks in glassblowing.
  17. Who is the artist responsible for this glass sculpture?

    Dale Chihuly
  18. What is Visible Spectrum?
    • The light our eyes can see
    • The rainbow
  19. What were some techniques used on metal works of art?
    Hammering on thin sheets of metal or casting sculptures of metal in gold or bronze
  20. What is Additive color?
    • Light
    • Starts with black and ends in white
    • Blending elements together to get a white light
    • Computer screen uses this
  21. What kind of pot is in this photo and how what is unique about it?

    • It is a ceramic Tarakata Pot.
    • It is made from fine red clay and designed from black paint. It's hand
    • made and whell thrown. Greeks only had one shot to get desired design
    • when painting it.
  22. What is Subtractive Color?
    • Mixing colors of paint to get a darker color by subtracting light
    • Examples: PRINTING(CMYK) and PAINT
    • Starts with white and ends in black
  23. What techniques are used on wood art?
    Scultures of wood can be turned on lathe and also can be carved/constructed.
  24. What are the 7 Visual Elements of Art?
    • Lines
    • Shape, Volumn, and Mass
    • Light and Value
    • Color
    • Texture
    • SpaceTime and Motion
  25. What is a Color Wheel?
    A visual representation of colors arranged according to their chromatic relationship
  26. What is shape?
    The outline of something's form
  27. Define Primary Color
    • Colors at their basic essence; those colors that cannot be created by mixing others
    • Red, Blue, and Yellow
  28. What is form?
    A three dimensional shape
  29. Define Secondary Color
    Colors that are acheived by a mixture of two primaries
  30. What is volume?
    The three dimensional space enclosed within or occupied by an object
  31. Define Tertiary Colors
    Colors achieved by a mixture of primary and secondary hues
  32. What is mass?
    The amount of matter an object contains
  33. Define Complementary Colors
    Colors located opposite of each on the color wheel, adds a lot of intensity to one another, a lot of energy
  34. What are the three different types of shapes and their characteristics?
    • Geometric - refular, precise, rectilinear, curilinear, crisp, hard-edged

    Organic - natural, irregular, curvilinear, biomorphic, fractal

    Amorphous - lacking any clear shape, form, or structure
  35. What is the difference between positive and negative space when it comes to shapes? What's similar?
    Positive space is occupied by things

    Negative space is what's around the things

    Negative space is often as important to a composition as the positive space
  36. Define Analoguos Colors
    Colors that are close together on a color wheel
  37. What is design/composition?
    A process of organizing element of design in order to get a desired effect
  38. 5 + 1 Big Principles of Design
    Balance - Ancient Greek ideal, has formal(mirror images, very stable, static symmetry around a central point) and informal(feels balanced, movement) symmetry

    Proportion - Relative Size, one object compared to another, a ratio of 1.7 closer to nature, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Golden Mean - magic number of average, Canons of Proportions

    Emphasis and Focal Point - The attention getter, usual visual elements for manipulation; size, color, and placement

    - Repetition

    Unity with Variety
    - Unity is oneness or wholeness, too much unity = boring, too much variety = jumbled mess, just right = interesting and understandable

    +1 Economy
    - teachers personal favorite, there is no definitive list of design principles
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Armande's Study Aid
Helps prepare for midterm exam