Chapt. 4 & 5

  1. Define Pathophysiology
    The study of how disease affects normal body process.
  2. 8 Primary responsibilites of a Paramedic
    • · Preparation
    • - Prior to responding to a call a paramedic must be mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared to meet the demands of the job
    • · Response
    • - Get to the scene safely and in a timely manner. Make sure the proper equipment and personnel are requested prior to arrival on scene.
    • · Scene Size-Up
    • - Primary concern at the scene of an emergency is safety of the crew, the patient, and bystanders.
    • · Patient Assessment
    • · Recognition of Illness or Injury
    • - Accomplished during scene size-up and the initial assessment.
    • · Patient Management
    • - Ensures that various personnel when presented with the same emergency will respond in the same manner based on protocols.
    • · Appropriate Disposition & Transfer
    • - Assures the patient is transported to the appropriate facility (trauma center, cardiac cath lab, burn unit) and by an appropriate manner i.e. ground or by air.
    • · Documentation
    • · Returning to service
    • - Clean and decon truck, restock supplies, and review call with crew members.
  3. Define Mechanism of Injury (MOI)
    Force or forces that caused an injury
  4. Define Nature of Illness (NOI)
    A patient's general medical condition or complaint
  5. Define profession
    Existance of a specialized body of knowledge or skills
  6. Define professionalism
    The conduct or qualities that characterize a practioner in a particular field or occupation
  7. Chapter 5: What injury accounts for the most injuries in persons under 6 and over 75?
    Falls - About 200 children die each year from them and account for the largest number of preventable injuries in persons over 75
  8. Epidemiology
    The study of factors that influence the frequency, distribution, and causes of injury, disease, and other health related events in a population.
  9. Years of productive life
    A calculation made by subtracting the age at death from 65
  10. Injury
    Intentional or unintentional damage to a person resulting from acute exposure to thermal, mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy or from the absence of such essentials as heat and oxygen.
  11. Injury Risk
    A real or potentially hazardous situation that puts people in danger of sustaining injury.
  12. Injury-Surveillance Program
    Ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of injury dataessentialto the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice.
  13. Teachable Moments
    Occur shortly after an injury when the patient and observers remain acutely aware of what has happend and may be more receptive to teaching about how similiar injury/illness could be prevented in the future.
  14. Primary Prevention
    Keeping an injury from ever occuring.
  15. Secondary Prevention
    Medical care after and injury or illness that helps to prevent further problems from occuring.
  16. Tertiary Prevention
    Rehabilitation after an injury or illness that helps to prevent further problems from occuring.
  17. Injuries are classified into three catergories:
    • Intentional Events (such as shootings and assaults)
    • Unintentional Events (such as motor vehicle collisions)
    • Alleged Unintentional Events (such as suspecious injury patterns that suggest abuse)
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Chapt. 4 & 5
Brady Volume 1 Chapter 4 & 5