comparative political systems

  1. "The Epistemology of Social Science and the Comparative Method"
    Author: Mayer

    Comparative political analysis should be seen as a method that, if not cotermious with the effor to build a science of politis, is at lease one of the usefull tools in this effort

    • experimental, statistical, comparative
    • parsimony
  2. “Research Traditions and Theory in Comparative Politics”
    Authors: Lichbach and Zuckerman

    rational choice theories, cultarialist approaches, structural analyses
  3. “Beyond the Comparative Method”
    Author: Hall

    Comparative method has limitations; it uses small number of cases and too many variable But!!successful
  4. “The Science of Social Science”
    Authors: King, Keohane, and Verba

    Differences between the quantitative and qualitative traditions are only stylistic and unimportant. Four characcteristics of scientific research: The goal is inference, the procedures are public, the conclusions are uncertain, the content is the method
  5. “Area Studies and the Discipline: A Useful Controversy?”
    Author: Bates

    • we should use both area studies and social scientific approaches in comparative science
    • decision theory
  6. "Nationalism"
    Author: Hobsbawn

    The proponents of middle class nationalism were the lowere and middle-class professional, administrative, and intellectual straits, in other words the educated class
  7. "Sovereignty"
    Author: Krasner

    Sovereignty is not dead; nation-state has keen instinct to surive and has adapted to new challenges of globalization
  8. "Imagined Communities"
    Author: Anderson

    nation- imagined political communities; 3 paradoxes of nationalism
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comparative political systems
comparative political systems