What is Communication?
- - The process by which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people.
- - Transmitting the sender's intended meaning (not just symbols) is key of good communication.
- - Functions: coordinate work, fulfill need to bon, transfer knowledge, make decisions.
- - Channels: media, electronic, non-verbal, face-to-face.
2-Way Model of Communication
What are Nonverbal Communication?
- - Actions, facial gestures, voice intonation,distance from person, silence, etc.
- - Transmits most info in face-to-face meetings
- - Influences meaning of verbal and written symbols
- - Less rule bound than verbal communication
- - Important part of emotional labor
- - Automatic and unconscious
What is Emotional Contagion?
- The automatic process of sharing another person's emotions by mimicking their facial expressions and other nonverbal behavior.
- - Emotional contagion serves three purposes:
- 1. Provides continuous feedback to speaker
- 2. Increases emotional understanding of the other person's experience
- 3. Communicates a collective sentiment - sharing the experience
What are the Communication Barriers (Noise)?
- Perceptions
- Filtering
- Language
- - Jargon
- - Ambiguity
- - Gestures
- Information Overload
Information Overload (Diagram)
Cross-Cultural Communication
- Verbal differences
- - Language
- Nonverbal differences
- - Voice intonation
- - Facial expressions
- - Physical distance
High-context cultures rely on nonverbal communication and situational cues.
High-content cultures rely on verbal communication and more logical information.
Gender Communication Differences (Diagram)
How do you get your messages across?
- - Empathize
- - Repeat the message
- - Use timing effectively
- - Be descriptive
Active Listening Process & Strategies (Diagram)
What are the employee surveys?
Gallup Q12 & GPTW
What is MBWA?
Management By Wandering Around
A communication practice in which executives get out of their offices and learn from others in the organization through face-to-face dialogue.
What is Organizational Grapevine?
- Informal communication throughout the organization.
- - Information transmitted rapidly in all directions
- - Grapevine is usually inaccurate buy can transmit some degree of truth
- - Some call it a rumor mill or just plain gossip
- - Email now is the main grapevine medium
- - Social networks are now global
- - Public blogs and forums extend gossip to everyone