Compression of the cheeks
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Depresses lower lip
Levator labii superioris
Elevates upper lip
Elevates and protrudes lower lip
Orbicularis oris
Compresses, purses lips.
Draws corner of mouth to the side
Depressor anguli oris
Depresses corner of mouth
Zygomaticus major
Retracts and elevates corner of mouth
Zygomaticus minor
Retracts and elevates upper lip
Corrugator supercilii
Pulls skin inferiorly and anteriorly; wrinkles brow
Levator palpebrae superioris
Elevates upper eyelid
Orbicularis oculi
Closes eyes
Moves nose, changes position, shape of nostrils.
Compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose; elevates corners of nostrils.
Occipitofrontalis (Frontal belly)
Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead.
Occipitofrontalis ( Occipital belly)
Tenses and retracts scalp
Tenses scalp, moves auricle of ear.
Tenses skin of neck, depresses mandible
Elevates mandible and closes jaws
Elevates mandible and closes jaws
Medial Pterygoid
Elevates the mandible and closes the jaws, or moves mandible side to side.
Lateral Pterygoid
Opens jaws, protrudes mandible, or moves mandible side to side.
Depresses mandible, opens mouth, elevates larynx.
Depresses mandible, opens mouth, elevates larynx, retracts hyoid bone.
Elevates floor of mouth, elevates hyoid bone, depresses mandible.
Depresses hyoid bone and larynx
Depresses hyoid bone and larynx
Depresses hyoid bone and larynx
Elevates larynx.
Elevates larynx, depresses hyoid bone.
Sternocleidomastoid (Clavicular and Sternal heads)
Together they flex the neck. Alone, one side bends neck towards shoulder and turns face to opposite side.
Splenius (Splenius capitis, splenius cervicis)
The two sides act together to extend neck. Either side alone rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side.
Spinalis cervicis
Extends neck
Spinalis thoracis
Extends vertebral column
Longissimus capitis
The two sides act together to extend neck. Either side alone rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side.
Longissimus cervicis
The two sides act together to extend neck. Either side alone rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side.
Longissimus thoracis
Extension of vertebral column. Alone, each produces lateral flexion to that side.
Iliocostalis cervisis
Extends or laterally flexes neck, elevates ribs.
Iliocostalis thoracis
Stabilizes thoracic vertebrae in extension.
Iliocostalis lumborum
Extends vertebral column, depresses ribs.
Semispinalis capitis
Together the two sides extend neck. Alone, each side extends and laterally flexes neck and turns head to opposite side.
Semispinalis cervicis.
Extends vertebral column and rotates towards opposite side.
Semispinalis thoracis
Extends vertebral column and rotates towards opposite side.
Extends vertebral column and rotates towards opposite side.
Rotatores (Cervisis, thoracis and lumborum)
Extends vertebral column and rotates towards opposite side.
Extends vertebral column
Lateral flexion of vertebral column.
Longus capitis
Together the two sides flex the neck. Alone each side rotates head to that side.
Longus colli
Flexes and rotates neck. Limits hyperextension.
Quadratus lumborum.
Together they depress ribs. Alone, each produces lateral flexion of vertebral column. Fixes floating ribs ( 11 and 12) during forced exhalation.
Scalenes (Anterior, middle and posterior)
Elevate ribs and flex neck. One side bends neck and rotates head and neck to opposite side.
External intercostals
Elevate ribs
Internal intercostals
Depress ribs
Transversus thoracis
Depress ribs
Serratus posterior superior
Elevates ribs, enlarges thoracic cavity.
Serratus posterior inferior.
Pulls ribs inferiorly, also pulls outward opposing diaphragm.
External oblique
Compresses abdomen; depresses ribs; flexes, laterally flexes or rotates vertebral column to opposite side.
Internal oblique
Compresses abdomen; depresses ribs; flexes, laterally flexes or rotates vertebral column to same side.
Transversus abdominis
compresses abdomen.
Diaphragm. Contraction expands thoracic cavity, cmpresses abdominopelvic cavity.
Rectus abdominis.
Depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column and compresses abdomen.
Levator scapulae
Elevates scapula.
Pectoralis minor
Depresses and protects shoulders; rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves inferiorly; elevates ribs if scapula is stationary.
Rhomboid major
Adducts and performs downward rotation of scapula.
Rhomboid minor
Adducts and performs downward rotation of scapula.
Serratus anterior
Protracts shoulder; rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves superiorly.
Depresses and protects shoulder.
Depends on active region and state of other muscles; it may elevate, retract, depress, or rotate scapula upward and/or clavicle; can also extend neck.
Adduction and flexion at shoulder
Whole muscle: Abduction of shoulder. Anterior part: Flexion and medial rotation of humerus. Posterior part: Extension and lateral rotation of humerus.
Abduction at shoulder
Lateral rotation at shoulder
Medial rotation at shoulder.
Teres major
Extension, adduction and medial rotation at shoulder.
Teres minor
Lateral rotation at shoulder.
Triceps brachii (long head)
Extension at elbow and adduction at shoulder
Biceps brachii
Flexion at elbow and shoulder supination.
Latissimus dorsi
Extension, adduction and medial rotation at shoulder.
Pectoralis major
Flexion, adduction, medial rotation at shoulder.
Flexion at elbow
Flexion at elbow
Extension at elbow
Triceps brachii ( lateral and medial heads)
Extension at elbow
Pronator quadratus
Pronates forearm and hand by medial rotation of radius at radioulnar joints.
Pronator teres
Flexion at elbow, pronates forearm and hand by medial rotation of radius at radioulnar joints.
Supinates forearm and hand by lateral rotation at radioulnar joints.
Flexor carpi radialis
Flexion and abduction at wrist
Flexion carpi ulnaris
Flexion and adduction at wrist.
Palmaris longus
Flexion at wrist.
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extension and abduction at wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extension and abduction at wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extension and adduction at wrist.
Abductor pollicis longus
Abduction at joints of thumbs and wrist.
Extensor digitorum.
Extension at finger joint and wrist.
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extension at joints of thumbs, abduction at wrist.
Extensor pollicis longus.
Extension at joints of thumbs, abduction at wrist.
Extensor indicis
Extension and adduction at joint of index finger.
Extensor digiti minimi
Extension at joint of little finger.
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Flexion at proximal interphalangheal, metacarpophalangeal and wrist joints.
Flexor digirotum profundus
Flexopm at distal interphalangheal joints and proximal interphalangeal joints and wrist.
Flexor pollicis longus
Flexion at joints of thumb
Biceps femoris
Flexion at knee; extension and lateral rotation at hip.
Flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip.
Flexion at knee; flexion and lateral rotation at hip.
Flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip.
Medial rotation of tibia-Lateral rotation of femur; flexion at knee.
Rectus femoris
Extension at knee, flexion at hip.
Vastus intermedius.
Extension at knee.
Vasus lateralis
Extension at knee.
Vastus medialis
Extension at knee.
Gluteus maximus
Extension and lateral rotation at hip. Helps stabilize the extended knee.
Gluteus medius
Abduction and medial rotation at hip.
Gluteus minimus
Abduction and medial rotation at hip.
Tensor fasciae latae
Flexion and medial rotation at hip, tenses fasciae latae which laterally supports the knee.
Obturators (externus and internus)
Lateral rotation of hip.
Lateral rotation and abduction of hip.
Gemelli (superior and inferior)
Lateral rotation of hip.
Quadratus femoris
Lateral rotation of hip.
Adductor brevis
Adduction, flexion and medial rotation at hip.
Adductor longus
Adduction, flexion and medial rotation at hip.
Adductor magnus.
Whole muscle provides adduction at the hip. Anterior part produces flexion and medial rotation; posterior part produces extension and lateral rotation.
Flexion, medial rotation and adduction at hip.
Flexion at knee, adduction and medial rotation at hip.
Flexion at hip and/or lumbar intervertebral joints.
Psoas major.
Flexion at hip and/or lumbar intervertebral joints
Tibialis anterior
Dorsiflexion at ankle; inversion of foot.
Plantar flexion at ankle; flexion at knee.
Fibularis longus
Eversion of foot and plantar flexion at ankle, supports ankle; supports longitudinal arch.
Fibularis brevis
Eversion on foor and plantar flexion at ankle.
Plantar flexion at ankle, flexion at knee.
Plantar flexion at ankle, postural muscle when standing.
Tibialis posterior
Adduction and inversion of foor; plantar flexion at ankle.
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexion of joints of toes 2-5; plantar flexes ankle; inverts foot.
Flexor hallucis longus
Flexion at joints of great toe; plantar flexes ankle; inverts foot.
Extensor digitorum longus
Extension of toes 2-5; dorsiflexes ankle and everts foot.
Extensor hallucis longus
Extension at joint of great toe; dorsiflexes ankle and everts foot.