
  1. The Anterior pituitary produces what hormones?
    Growth Hormone, Thyrotropin (TSH), corticotropin (ACTH)
  2. The thyroid produces what hormone?
    Thyroid Hormone
  3. The pancreas produces what hormones?
    insulin, glucagon
  4. The adrenal cortex produces what hormones?
    cortisol, aldosterone, sex hormones
  5. The adrenal medulla produces what hormones?
    epinepherine, norepinephrine
  6. The selected effects of growth hormone are
    increase protein synthesis; major hormone for bone growth in children
  7. selected effects of TSH is
    stimulates release of thyroid hormone
  8. selected effects of adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) hormone is
    stimulates production and release of glucocorticoids
  9. selected effects of thyroid hormone is
    increases metabolic rate; essential for growth and nervous system development in children
  10. selected effects of insulin is
    removes glucose from blood by helping cells to import it; promotes anabolic chemical reactions in cells
  11. selected effects of glucagon
    increases glucose in blood by promoting break-down of glycogen and synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrates
  12. selected targets of glucocoticoids/corticoids: cortisol is an example
    releases fuel molecules, surpresses inflammation in response to stress; used therapeutically for surpressing inflammation and immunity in autoimmune disorders, asthma, and organ transplant recipients
  13. selected targets for aldotersterone
    increases reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium resulting in retention of sodium in the blood
  14. selected targets of epinephrine and norepinephrine
    prolongs fight or flight response; elevates heart rate and blood pressure
  15. Thickening of facial bones including widening and elongation of the face, enlargement of the bones in the hands and feet
  16. lengthening of the bones resulting in tall stature; enlargement of internal organs; acromegaly results in GH secretion continues into adulthood
  17. decreased bone growth resulting in short stature but with limbs proproportional to the trunk
    pituitary dwarfism
  18. exopthalamus, tremors, irritability and nervousness, weightloss intolerance to heat with intense sweating, insomnia, rapid heart rate
    graves disease
  19. more common in women, myxedema, weight gain, enlargement of thyroid gland, fatigue
    adult hypothyroidism
  20. stunted growth; mental retardation, facial and postural abnormalities
    congenital hypothyroidism (cretinism)
  21. facial swelling: (buffalo hump) - interscapular fat accumulation; abnormal fat accumulation, bright pink cheeks, mood swings, loss of calcium from bones, loss of muscle mass
    cushing syndrome
Card Set
endocrine glands and disorders