Chinese writing

    • gai4
    • RADICAL: wood (no.75)
    • BASIC MEANING : general, approximate
    • bei3
    • RADICAL: ladle (no.21)
    • BASIC MEANING : north
  1. 农 / 農
    • nong2
    • RADICAL: crown (no.14) / time (no. 161)
    • BASIC MEANING : farming, agriculture
    • cun1
    • RADICAL: wood (no.75)
    • BASIC MEANING : village
  2. 环 / 環
    • huan2
    • RADICAL: jade (no.96)
    • BASIC MEANING : surround, encircle; ring
    • jing4
    • RADICAL: earth (no.32)
    • BASIC MEANING : place, area; condition, situation; border
    • jiao1
    • RADICAL: cover (no.8)
    • BASIC MEANING : to cross, to hand in
    • tong1
    • RADICAL: halt (no.162)
    • BASIC MEANING : through; lead to, go to
  3. 闹 / 鬧
    • nao4
    • RADICAL: door (no.169)/ fight (no. 191)
    • BASIC MEANING : noisy
  4. 龙 / 龍
    • long2
    • RADICAL: lame (no.43)/ dragon (no. 212)
    • BASIC MEANING : dragon
    • chao3
    • RADICAL: mouth (no.30)
    • BASIC MEANING : to make noise, to quarrel; noisy
    • si3
    • RADICAL: bad (no. 78)
    • BASIC MEANING : to die; dead; extremely
    • bu4
    • RADICAL: city (no.163)
    • BASIC MEANING : part, section
  5. 层 / 層
    • ceng2
    • RADICAL: corpse (no.44)/ corpse (no.44)
    • BASIC MEANING : storey, floor; layer
  6. 楼 / 樓
    • lou2
    • RADICAL: wood (no.75)
    • BASIC MEANING : building, floor
    • shi4
    • RADICAL: roof (no.40)
    • BASIC MEANING : room
  7. 库 / 庫
    • ku4
    • RADICAL: lean-to (no.53)
    • BASIC MEANING : warehouse, storehouse
  8. 树 / 樹
    • shu4
    • RADICAL: wood (no.75)
    • BASIC MEANING : tree
  9. 开 / 開
    • kai1
    • RADICAL: horizontal stroke (no.1)/ door (no. 169)
    • BASIC MEANING : to open, to turn on, to set up, to drive, hold (a meeting)
    • xu1
    • RADICAL: rain (no.173)
    • BASIC MEANING : to need
  10. 离 / 離
    • li2
    • RADICAL: cover (no.8)/ short tail bird (no. 172)
    • BASIC MEANING : away, from
    • hai3
    • RADICAL: water (no.85)
    • BASIC MEANING : sea
    • san4
    • RADICAL: knock (no.66)
    • BASIC MEANING : break up; distributes
    • bu4
    • RADICAL: to stop (no.77)
    • BASIC MEANING : step
    • nan2
    • RADICAL: ten (no.24)
    • BASIC MEANING : south
Card Set
Chinese writing
chinese writing