Occlusion 1

  1. diastima
  2. caused by centric relations interference
    anterior diastema
  3. caused by working interference
    gingival cleft
  4. fremitus
    functional mobility of teeth
  5. determinants of occlusion
    • right and left temporomandibular joints
    • occlusion of permanent dentition
    • neuromusculature
  6. passive determinants
    • posterior teeth
    • stop movemtn when closing
  7. active determinants
    guide teeth during mastication
  8. premature contact
    • signaled to the brain
    • brain instructs the muscles of mastication to bring teeth into "new" maximum intercuspation
  9. muscles of mastication
    • masseter
    • temporalis
    • lateral pterygoid
    • medial pterygoid
  10. kinetic chain
    • the muscles of the head and neck
    • problem with one muscle may not only affect other muscles, but it may affect occlusion
  11. Protrusive movement protection
    incisors protect the canines and posterior teeth
  12. anterior guidance protection
    protects the posterior teeth through posterior disclusion
  13. effects of anterior guidance greatest in
    premolar region
  14. effects of condylar guidance greatest in
    molar region
  15. anterior guidance ___ than condylar guidance
    • equal to or greater than
    • helps condyles working against the posterior slopes of articular eminences during excursive movements
  16. protrusive movement
    condyles slide forward and downward on the articular eminences
  17. steering wheel of the occlusion
    the anterior teeth
  18. cuspid rise
    during lateral excursion, the canines are the only teeth to touch on the working side
  19. canine eminences
    thick facial plates of bone that provide additional protection from the forces on the canines
  20. group function
    • during a lateral excursion, the buccal cusps contact along with the canines on the working side
    • sometimes best to have no working contacts in large restorative cases
  21. condylar guidance
    the functional relation of the hard and soft tissues of the temporomandibular joints which controls mandibular movements
  22. the flatter the articular eminence...
    the shorter the cusps MUST be
  23. the steeper the articular eminence...
    • the taller the cusps MAY be
    • want steeper articular eminence
  24. balancing interferences
    • occur between inner incline of max lingual cusp and the inner incline of the mand buccal cusp
    • on supporting cusps
  25. working interfereces occur...
    • between the inner incline of a non-supporting cusp
    • the outer incline of a supporting cusp
  26. cross tooth balancing interference
    • occurss on working side
    • is a working interfernce
    • involves outer incline of a max lingual cusp and the inner incline of a mand lingual cusp
  27. orbiting condyle
    • the non-working side
    • moves downward, foward, and medially
  28. rotating condyle
    • on the working side
    • moves laterally
    • may be 1)forward or backward 2)upward and downward
  29. curve of spee
    curvature which begins at the canines and follows the buccal cusp tips of the premolars and molars
  30. flatter curve of spee...
    less likely to have excursive interferences
  31. curve of wilson
    • the mediolateral curvature of the occlusal plane of the posterior teeth
    • depresses non-supporting cusps and helps prevent working interferences
  32. compensating occlusal curvature
    • combination of curve of spee and the curve of wilson
    • aka sphere of monson
  33. Bennett movement
    immediate sideshift and progressive side shift
  34. immediate sideshift
    • initial lateral sideshift of the madible during a lateral excursion
    • no longer considered important clinically
    • working side
  35. progressive sideshift
    • corresponds to the downward, forward, and medial movement of the orbiting condyle
    • non working side
  36. bennett angle
    • corresponds to the angulation of the medial wall
    • superior wall will have been set to a lateral checkbite or pantographic tracin
    • usually 15 degrees
    • found on non-working side
  37. bennett movement earliest stage
    the condyle on the working side has a lateral side shift or translation during lateral movement
  38. lateral records
    used to set the angulation of the superior walls of the fossae for lateral excursion
  39. protrusive records
    used to set the angulation of teh superior walls of the fossae for protrusive movements
  40. orbiting pathway is _____ than the protrusive pathway
    • steeper
    • this helps prevent balancing interference
  41. centric occlusion
    • maximum intercuspation of teeth
    • aka maximum intercuspation
    • aka intercuspal position
    • aka habitual centric
    • aka acquired centric
  42. line of central groove
    rolling in of the outer inclines of the supporting cusps places them under/over the line of central groove of the opposing arch
  43. three centric stops
    • cusp-marginal ridge
    • cusp-fossa
    • cusp-occlusal embrasure
  44. max buccal cusps in line with...
    opposing buccal embrasures and developmental grooves
  45. mesiobuccal cusp of max 1st molar opposes...
    mesiobuccal groove of mand 1st molar
  46. distobuccal cusp of max 1st molar opposes...
    distobuccal groove of the mand 1st molar
  47. mesiobuccal cusp of max 2nd molar opposes...
    buccal groove of mand 2nd molar
  48. mandibular lingual cusps in line with....
    opposing lingual embrasures and developmental grooves
  49. mesiolingual cusp of mandibular molars oppose...
    lingual embrasures in the max arch
  50. distolingual cusp of mand molar oppose....
    lingual developmental groove in max arch
  51. max supporting cusps
    lingual cusps
  52. mand supporting cusps
    buccal cusps
  53. supporting cusps
    contact opposing centric stops and do most of the grinding during mastication
  54. max non-supporting cusps
    buccal cusps
  55. mand non-supporting cusps
    lingual cusps
  56. space between supporting and non supporting cusps
    .5-1.0 mm
  57. max buccal cusps purpose
    help keep cheeks out of the way during mastication
  58. max lingual cusps purpose
    keep tongue out of the way during mastication
  59. interdigitation most distinct in...
    • anterior and premolar region
    • less distince in molar region
Card Set
Occlusion 1
Occlusion pt 1