Antidepressants II and Anxiety

  1. What are TCA's?
    tricyclic antidepressants; they act on both serotonin and norepinephrine by slowing the rate of the reuptake of these chemicals; it may take several weeks to see full effect
  2. What are TCA's named for?
    their chemical three ring structure
  3. What are in the main indications for TCA's?
    clinical depression, pain, and ADHD
  4. Aside from the main indications what else can TCA's be used for?
    smoking cessation, headache, and bulimia
  5. Whart are some of the adverse side effects of TCA's?
    dry mouth, blurred vision, decreased gastro-intestinal motility and secretion, urinary retension or difficulty with urination, hyperthermia
  6. What is some patient education associated with TCA's?
    do not discontinue therapy unless otherwise directed; avoid alcohol while taking medication
  7. What is the drug class and brand name for amitryptiline?
    TCA; Elavil
  8. What is the drug class and brand name for doxepin?
    TCA; Sinequan
  9. What is the drug class and brand name for imipramine?
    TCA; Tofranil
  10. What is the drug class and brand name for nortriptyline?
    TCA; Pamelor
  11. What is the drug class and brand name for trazodone? How old should patient by to take this medication?
    Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antagonist; Desyrel; this med is not for children under 18 years of age
  12. What is the drug class and generic name for Effexor? What is this medication indicated for?
    Serotonin/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor; Venlafaxine; used for depression and anxiety disorders
  13. What is the drug class and generic name for Cymbalta? What is this medication used for?
    serotonin/norepinephrine and slight dopamine reuptake inhibitor; Duloxetine; used for depression and neuropathic pain (in diabetes)
  14. What is the drug class and generic name for Wellbutrin? What can it be used for?
    Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor; Bupropion; can be used for depression and smoking cessation
  15. What is the drug class and generic name for Remeron?
    Alpha2 antagonist; mirtazipine
  16. Aside from regular tablet form, what other form does remeron come in? How does remeron work?
    it comes in SolTab form which dissolves on the tongue within 30 seconds; it increases the release of norepinephrine (not a reuptake med)
  17. What is the drug class and brand name for lorazepam?
    benzodiazepine; Ativan
  18. What is the drug class and brand name for clonazepam?
    benzodiazepine; Klonopin, Rivotril
  19. What is the drug class and brand name for alprazolam?
    benzodiazepine; Xanax
  20. What is the drug class and brand name for diazepam?
    benzodiazepine; Valium
  21. What is the drug class and brand name for buspirone?
    benzodiazepine; Buspar
  22. what are benzos considered?
    a minor tranquilizers
  23. What can benzos be used as?
    sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants
  24. What can occur with long term use of benzos?
    physiological tolerance and psychological dependency (50% at 6 mos)
  25. What are some of the withdrawal symtoms associated with benzos?
    insomnia, rebound REM sleep, panic attacks/anxiety, tachycardia, hypertension, tremors, depression, loss of apeptite
  26. How do benzos produce their effects?
    by modulating the GABA receptor
  27. What is the GABA receptor?
    the most prolific inhibitory receptor within the brain
  28. What are some of the side effects associated with benzos?
    dizziness, drowsiness, and disorientation
  29. What is some patient education associated with benzos?
    indicated for short term use, avoid alcohol, medication may be habit forming
Card Set
Antidepressants II and Anxiety
Drug Cards