head and neck

  1. oh oh oh to touch and feel very good vegetables ah heave
    • olfactory
    • optic
    • oculomotor
    • trochlear
    • trigeminal
    • abducens
    • facial
    • vestibulocochlear
    • glossopharyngeal
    • vagus
    • accessory
    • hypoglossal
  2. some say money matters but my brother says big brains matter more
    • olfactory-sensory
    • optic-sensory
    • oculomotor-motor
    • trochlear-motor
    • trigeminal-both
    • abducens-motor
    • facial-both
    • vestibulocochlear-sensory
    • glossopharyngeal-both
    • vagus-both
    • accessory-motor
    • hypoglossal-motor
  3. where does the olfactory nerve exit
    cribriform plate
  4. where does cranial nerve II exit?
    optic canal
  5. where does cranial nerve III exit?
    superior orbital fissure
  6. where does cranial nerve IV exit?
    superior orbital fissure
  7. where does cranial nerve V exit?
    • (Standing Room Only)
    • superior orbital fissure
    • foramen Rotundom
    • Foramen Ovale
  8. where does cranial nerve VI exit?
    superior orbital fissure
  9. where dose cranial VII exit?
    stylomastoid foramen
  10. where does cranial nerve VIII exit?
    internal acoustic meatus
  11. where does cranial nerve IX exit?
    jugular foramen
  12. where dose cranial nerve X exit?
    jugular foramen
  13. where does cranial nerve X exit?
    jugular foramen
  14. where does cranial nerve XI exit?
    hypoglossal canal
  15. what nerve is innervates the sense of smell?
    I olfactory
  16. what nerve innervates vision
    II optic
  17. what nerves innervates eye movement
    • III oculomotor
    • IV trochlear
    • VI abducens
  18. what nerves innervates taste?
    • VII facial
    • IX glossopharyngeal
    • X vagus
  19. what does cranial nerve VII innervate?
    facial expression, lacrimal gland and taste
  20. what does cranial nerve VIII innervate?
    hearing and balance
  21. what does cranial nerve IX innervate?
    neck muscles, parotid gland and taste
  22. what never innervates the parotid gland?
    IX glossopharyngeal
  23. what does cranial nerve X innervate?
    muscles of soft palate, pharynx, larynx, skin around ear and taste
  24. what does cranial nerve XI innervate?
    trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
  25. what does cranial nerve XII innervate?
    tongue movement
  26. which nerve is the make out nerve?
    XII hypoglossal
  27. what is the action for cranial nerve I
    sensory afferent
  28. what is the action for cranial nerve II
    sensory afferent
  29. what is the action for action for cranial nerve III
    motor efferent
  30. what is the action for cranial nerve IV
    motor efferent
  31. what is the action for cranial nerve V?
    both afferent and efferent
  32. what is the action for cranial nerve VI
    motor effernet
  33. what is the action for cranial nerve VII
    both afferent and efferent
  34. what is the action for cranial nerve VIII
    sensory afferent
  35. what is the action for cranial nerve IX?
    both afferent and efferent
  36. what is the action for cranial nerve X
    both afferent and efferent
  37. what is the action for cranial nerve XI
    motor efferent
  38. what is the action for cranial nerve XII
    motor efferent
Card Set
head and neck
cranial nerves