
  1. what is the tissue that lines the oral cavity?
    oral mucosa
  2. what are the three general layers of the oral mucosa?
    • epithelium
    • basement membrane
    • lamina propria
  3. lamina propria is the new name for the ______ _____ _____ and what are its four layers?
    • connective tissue proper
    • papillary layer
    • capillary plexus
    • dense layer
    • submucosa
  4. loose connective tissue with fingerlike projections into the overlying epithelium
    papillary layer part of the lamina propria
  5. capillary system that runs between the two layers and sends more capillaries up into each papilla?
    capillary plexus part of the lamina propria
  6. dense connective tissue
    dense layer part of the lamina propria
  7. may or may not be present deep to the dense layer, and what can it be composed of?
    • Submucosa
    • adipose tissue
    • saliva glands
    • muscle
  8. if _______ is not present the connective tissue connects directly to the ______.
    • submucosa
    • bone
  9. if the submucosa connects to bone it becomes ________
  10. what are the three different ways oral mucosa can be classified?
    • lining mucosa
    • masticatory mucosa
    • specialized mucosa
  11. lining mucosa
    softer surface teture, moist, and able to stretch/compress
  12. masticatory mucosa
    rubbery surface texture and resilient
  13. specialized mucosa
    lingual papillae
  14. nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium is found in ______ ______
    lining mucosa
  15. the ________ ________ _______ ______ is the most common in the oral cavity
    nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  16. what are the three layers of the nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
    • basal layer
    • intermediate layer
    • superficial layer
  17. the basal layer is?
    the deepest layer, a single layer of cells that sits above the basement membrane
  18. what are the two functions of the basal layer?
    • produce the lamina lucida of the basement membrane
    • produce new epithelial cells by mitosis
  19. where does mitosis take place in the nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
    basal layer
  20. what is the intermediate layer
    middle layer, cells have migrated superficially from the basal layer
  21. what makes up the bulk of the nonkaratinized stratified squamous epithelium?
    intermediate layer
  22. what is the superficial layer?
    top layer, cells have continued to migrate and they have gotten flatter as they move up, now they are squames
  23. what shed and die in the nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium?
    superficial layer-squames die and are shed from tissue
  24. what are the three types of epithelium of the oral mucosa?
    • nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
    • orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
    • parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  25. where is orthokeratinized epithelium found?
    masticatory mucosa
  26. what is the least common epithelium in the oral cavity
    orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  27. what are the four layers of the orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium?
    • basal layer
    • prickle layer
    • granular layer
    • keratin layer
  28. what is the prickle layer?
    similar to intermediate layer makes up the bulk of the epithelium
  29. what is it called the prickle layer?
    when it is dried the cells shrink but maintain their desmosomes
  30. what is the grandular layer?
    similar to the intermediate layer, cells have keratohyaline granules that eventually keratinize the cell
  31. what doe the keratohyaline granules do?
    keratinized the cell
  32. what is the keratin layer?
    similar to the superior layer, migrated to the top, flattened out and filled with keratin, no nuclei
  33. what layer has no nuclei?
    keratin layer of the orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  34. where is parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium found?
    masticatory mucosa
  35. _______is more common than orthokeratinized
  36. _______ keratin cells have nuclei
  37. what kind of epithelium has nuclei?
  38. what is stippling?
    tall narrow papilla pulling on epithelium. Very healthy. (orange peel)
  39. what is the mucogingival junction?
    scalloped division between the attached gingiva and the alveolar mucosa
  40. what gives color to oral mucosa?
    melanin pigmentation
  41. _____ ____ has a quick turnover time
    oral mucosa
  42. what repairs the epithelium?
    blood clot
  43. what repairs the connective tissue
    granulation tissue
  44. too much _______ ____ can cause problems and may have to be removed
    granulation tissue
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chapter 9 oral mucosa