Art History (Greek continued)

  1. Praxiteles, Hermes and the Infant Dionysos, Roman marble copy after an original of ca. 320-310 BCE, 7’1” high

    • -Praxiteles-had a big school, trained many artists, worked w/bronze a lot
    • -Pose-leaning over; resting
    • -Expression-bored?
  2. Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos, Roman marble copy after original dated 
ca. 350 BCE, 6’8” high

    • -People of Knidos rejected statue outright; thought was "scandalous"
    • -Bracelet-associated with Hetayre (prostitutes), implies that this was done from life
    • -Hand covering-still slight modesty
    • -Contrapostto
  3. Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (Scraper) Roman marble copy, probably from a bronze original of ca. 350 - 325 BCE, 6’9” high

    • -Lysippos-in the court of Alexander the Great (did a lot of portraits of him)
    • -In classical Greek tradition, there is only one plane. In this, arm is extended forward; makes statue more interactive
  4. Comparison of Lysippos 7:1 and Polykleitos 6:1 ratios

    • New canon-head is 1/7th size of the body
    • Style-hair is messier

    When Romans conquored Greece, took a lot of statues, some wound up in Vatican. Pope in 19th centuries ordered statues to be censored.
  5. The Battle of Issos or Battle of Alexander and the Persians, ca. 100 BCE, mosaic copy from Pompeii of a Hellenistic painting of ca 315 BCE, 8’11” x 16’9-1/2”

    • -mosaic-1st were made of stone, each stone/tile/piece called a tessera (tesserae=plural)
    • -defies convention of hieratic scale (Alexander is not largest figure)
    • -political humor?
  6. Epigonos (?), Dying Trumpeter, Victory Monument of Attalos I of Pergamon, Roman marble copy after a bronze original from Pergamon, ca. 220 BCE, 36.5” high

    • -Hellenistic art-emotion, pathos, drama/theatric
    • -Celts=Gauls/Gallic (one branch ended up in South, imposed taxes on Greeks, Attalos revolted
    • -Pathos (face)
  7. Gallic chieftain killing himself and his wife, Roman marble copy after bronze original, ca. 220 BCE, 6’11” high
  8. Athena and Alkyoneus, from the east side of the Great Frieze of the Great Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, ca. 175 – 150 BCE, marble, 7’7” high

    • -Typifies Hellenistic art
    • -Baroque-art/architechture of the 17th century, implies a lot of excess ornament for drama
    • -Something of an anachronism-Athena wasn't alive at the time of this battle
  9. Nike of Samothrace, from the Sanctuary of the Great gods, Samothrace, ca. 180 BCE, marble, 8’1” high

    • -Nike landing on prow of a ship
    • -High sense of movement
  10. Old Woman, Roman copy, 1st century CE, Marble, 49.5” high

    -Hellenistic period-more variety in subject matter
  11. Aphrodite of Melos (Venus de Milo), ca. 150-105 BCE, 6’8” high

    • Arms missing
    • Example of clacissism (restrained expression), which is contrasted by erotic nature
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Art History (Greek continued)