Integumentary Functions
- protection(from mechanical, chemical, bacterial damage and UV-rays)
- temp. regulation
- fluid conservation
- excretion
- vitamin D(helps with calcium absorption)
- sensation(touch/pressure)
Epidermis Stratum
- 1. Cornium=dead epithelials, keratinized, non-nucleated
- 2. Lucidum=NOT in thin skin
- 3. Granulosum=3-5 layers of flatten granular cells
- 4. Spinosum=many layers, developing keritan
- 5. Basale=deepest, single row of cuboidal/columnar cells thst divide and grow(ATTACHED TO DERMIS BY BASEMENT MEMBRANE)
Epidermal Cells
- 1. Keratinocytes=90%, has keratin which is tough fibrous intercellular proteins for protection and lamellar granules which is extracellular for water-proofing
- 2. Melanocytes=8%, thay produce melanin which protects from UV-rays
- 3. Langerhans=1-2%, migrate from bone marrow for skins immune response
- 4. Merkel Cells=<1%, specialized epithelium for the sensation of touch
- dense irregular CT
- deep layer of skin
- strength of skin
- collagen
Papillary Layer of Dermis
- areolar CT
- capillaries and sensory neurons
- dermal papillae(sm. projections that help with the senses)
- ex. fingerprints
Reticular Layer of Dermis
- dense irregular CT
- collagen fibers go up and down
- elastic cells and cells of CT proper
Pacinian Corpuscles
sensory receptors stimulated by heavy pressure
Meissner Corpuscles
sensor receptors stimulated by light touch
Genetic Factor of Skin Colors
- varying amnts and types of melanin
- varying size/number of melanin granules
- albinos lack melanin but not melanocytes
Enviromental Factor of Skin Color
- sunlight
- sunlamps
- UV-rays
- x-rays
Physiological Factor of Skin Color
- dialation of dermal blood vessels(ERYTHEMA=skin reddening)
- constriction of dermal blood vessels(PALLOR=pale skin)
- oxygen levels(CYANOSIS=blue skin=low O2)
- carotine levels(from eating to much food with carotine=yellow skin)
- jaundice(yellow skin from bile/liver problems)
Light vs. Dark Skin
same amnt of melanocytes but they produce different amnts and colors of melanin
protection against UV-rays
Vitamin D
- from sunshine
- helps with calcium absorption
- spinosum and basale layers convert cholesterol to vitamin D
Subcutaneous Layer
- hypodermis/superficial fascia
- insulation
- stabalizes dermis
- reservoir for blood
- root=under skin
- shaft=outside of skin
- follicle=where hair emerges from(root to skin surface)
- papilla=where hair developes
- arrector pili muscle=attached to hair follicle(hair skicks up when shivering)
3 Types of Hair
- 1. Lanugo=long, blond and fine(fetus and anorexia)
- 2. Vellus=short, blond(children)
- 3. Terminal=coarse, pigmented(adults)
Hair Follicle
- 1. medulla(some hair color)
- 2. cortex(hair color)
- 3. cuticle(covering, shingle like)
- 4. internal root sheath
- 5. external root sheath
- 6. glassy membrane
- 7. CT sheath
Sebaceous Glands
- holocrine glands
- located near hair follicles
- produces sebum(waxy and oily)
- absent on palms and soles
- functioins to inhibit bacterial growth, lubricates and protects keratin of hair, conditions skin
- dicharges on face, back, chest, nipples and penis
Apocrine Sweat Glands
- associated with hair follicles
- thick smelly discharge
- under arms
- happens when upset, frightened, in pain, sexually aroused
Eccrine Sweat Glands
- palms, soles, forehead, neck, back
- discharges directly onto a surface
- for termal regulation
- nail bed=skin that nail rests on
- nail plate=clear keratinized part
- nail plate root=underneath nail fold
- nail plate body=overlyes nail bed
- nail plate free edge=where nail extends beyond nail bed
- hyponychium=epithelium of nail bed
- nail fold=skin around edge of nail plate
- nail groove=where nail and fold meet
- Eponychium=cuticle(dead dermis)
- nail matrix=mitosis(where nail grows from)
- lunule=white cresent(b/c it overlies basale and obscures blood vessels)
- high temp
- enviromental(heat humidity)
- illness(temp greater than or equal to 37.2C)PYREXIA
- erythema(blood vessels dialate causing skin to redden)
- evaporation(sweat)
- low temp(temp less then 35C)
- primary=cold exposure
- secondary=illness
- clinical=surgical induction
- pallor=pale color
- shivering
Healing of Cuts
- 1. bleeding/clotting occurs
- 2. scab forms(phagocytes remove debris)
- 3. epidermal cells migrate over meshwork(collagen is produced)
- 4. sheds scab/wound and is covered w/ epithelium(scarring)
Tissue Repair
- 1. regeneration=healing with tissue already present
- 2. fibrosis=healing with scar(CT) tissue
3 Components of CT
- cells
- ground substance
- fibers
fully differentiated
- derived from progenitor cells
- early stages of differentiation
- active in cell synthesis
- "work horses"
- fixes damage(ex. scars)
- large and star shaped
- secretes protein which forms fibers
- motile
- sometimes attach to fibers
- clears foreign substances
Mast Cells
- large
- usually near blood vessels
- release chemicals to promote inflammation
Collagen Fibers
- thick and threadlike
- can withstand high tension
- holds structures together
- tendons and ligaments
Elastic Fibers
- thin and stretchy
- can bounce back
- vocal cords and air passages
Reticular Fibers
- thin fibers of collagen
- makes "meshwork"
- allows cells to stay in CT
- supports network
Ground Substance
- controls passage of substances through matrix
- hydrates CT
- broad fibrous sheets
- muscle to muscle(or bone)
Areolar CT Proper
- fibroblasts
- collagen and elastic fibers
- semiliquid matrix
- binds skin to underlying organs
- fills spaces between muscles
Dense Regular CT Proper
- fibroblasts
- collagen fibers
- semiliquid matrix
- located in tendons and ligaments
- used for attachment
Dense Irregular CT Proper
- fibroblast
- collagen fibers
- semiliquid matrix
- provides strength in all directions
- located in capsules of viseral organs, dermis, periostea(bone), perichondria(membrane of cartilage)
Adipose CT Proper
- adipocytes
- reticular fibers
- semiliquid matrix
- located in body fat areas
- insulation, protection and energy storage
Reticular CT Proper
- fibroblasts
- reticular fibers
- semiliquid matrix
- located in basement membrane, spleen and liver
- for support
Elastic CT Proper
- fibroblasts
- elastic fibers
- semiliquid matrix
- located in heart and lungs
- for durability with stretch
Hyaline Cartilage
- chondrocytes
- collagen fibers so closely packed you can't see them
- semisolid matrix
- located on ends of ribs, bones and nose
Elastic Cartilage
- chondrocytes
- elastic fibers
- semisolid matrix
- located in external ear, larynx
- maintains shape and flexibility
- chondrocytes
- dense interwoven collagen fibers
- semisolid matrix
- located in intervertebral disks
- stregth and shock absorption
- less firm but tougher then hyaline cartilage
- osteocytes
- collagen fibers
- solid matrix
- support, movement, calcium storage
- DENSE=outer bone
- SPONGY=inner bone
- eurythrocytes
- leukocytes
- platlets
- plasma
- fibrinogen
- liquid matrix
- connections between organs and the rest of the body
- function=strength, stability, holds organs in position and acts as conduits
Superficial Fascia
- subcutaneous/hypodermis
- aerolar CT
- fat
- between skin and organs
Deep Fascia
- strong fibrous framework
- dense CT
- bound to capsules, tendons and ligaments
Subserous Fascia
- between serous membrane and deep fascia
- areolar CT
Fibrous Pericardium
fascia of the heart
Muscle Tissue
myocytes/muscle fibers
Muscle Contractility
- major property of ALL muscle tissues
- ability to shorten muscles forcefully
- causes movements
- ACTIN(thin) and MYOSIN(thick) slide against each other during movement
Skeletal Muscle
- striated
- voluntary
- unbranched
- multi-nuclear
- cannot divide but new fibers can form from other cells
Smooth Muscle
- walls of organs and blood vessels
- skin
- involuntary
- not striated
- single central nucleous
- unbranched
- don't normally divide but can
Cardiac Muscle
- involuntary
- autorythmic
- striated
- branched
- single nuclei
- cardiocytes, cardiac myocytes, myocardial cells
- INTERCALATED DISKS have gap junctions and desmosomes
Nervous Tissue
- conducts nerve impulses
- sensory reception
- recieve and transmit signals
- soma, dendrites and axons
- maintains nervous tissue structue
- repairs framework
- performs phagocytosis
- provides nutrients
- NOT neural but "neuron support"
Signs of Inflammation
- redness and heat due to increased blood flow
- pain and swelling due to the chemicals released
- loss of function tells you to stop and repair the damage
Mast Cells
- during inflammation they degranulate and release chemicals
- HEPARIN-keeps blood flowing to increase O2 and nutrients
- HISTAMINE-dialates blood vessels and gets "leaky"
- increases number and activity of phagocytes
- removes toxins and waste
Covering/Lining Epithelium
- skin
- communicates w/ outside(ex. digestive, respiratory, urinary and digestive tracts)
- stays internal(ex. chest and abdominal cavities, endothelium of blood vessels and heart)
Glandular Epithelium
- often lies in clusters
- deep to covering/lining epithelium
- secretes into ducts and blood or onto surfaces
Epithelial Functions
- protection
- secretion
- absorption
- filtration
- sensation
- specialized secretions
Epithelial Characteristics
- specialized contacts with other cells
- polarity(diff. ends do diff. things)
- avascular(no blood supply)
- regeneration(high rate of cell division)
- cellularity(lots of cells in close contact with little intercellular material)
Basal Lamina
- 1. lamina lucida=glycoprotein and fine protein filaments which act as a barrier
- 2. lamina densa=bundles of close protein fibers, gives basal lamina strength
Classification of ET
- shape=squamous, cuboidal, columnar
- layering=simple, stratified
- lines ventral body cavities
- simple squamous
- produces serous membrane
lines blood vessels
Simple Squamous ET
- single layer of flat cells
- for diffusion and reduces frictions so substances pass easily
- lines air sacs, capillaries, lymph vessels, ventral cavity coverings
Simple Cubiodal
- single layer of cube shaped cells
- large celtrally located nucleus
- for absorption and secretion
- lines kidney tubules and ducts of glands
Simple Columnar
- single layer of tall cells
- basally located nucleus
- goblet cells
- microvilli
- for protection, absorption and secretion
- lines intestines
Psudostratified Columnar
- single layer of tall cells with scattered nucleus
- cillia
- goblet cells
- for protection and secretion
- lines trachea and fallopean tubes
Stratified Squamous
- many layers w/ top layer of flat cells
- KERITENIZED=epidermis
- NONKERITENTIZED=vagina, mouth and anus
- for protection
Transitional Epithelium
- several layers
- cells change shape under pressure
- DISTENSIBLITY=ability to stretch then return to origional shape
- lines ureters and bladder
Tight Junctions
close spaces between cells so that substances are forced through cells rather then around them