TOUR2000 Lecture Five

  1. The Ice berg analogy of culture
    • Beahviour
    • Beliefs
    • Values and Thought Patterds
  2. What is culture shock?
    • Inability to cope with a new cultural environment
    • - being overloaded with unfamiliar stimuli
    • - being confronted with a different way of life
    • - inability to ask questions or understand answers
    • - inability to recognise food
  3. What are some physical symptoms of culture shock?
    • Stress on health and safety
    • Fear of physical contact with hosts
    • Craving
    • Use of alcohol and drugs
    • Over concern about cleanliness
  4. What are some psychological symptoms of culture shock?
    • Insomnia, fatigue
    • Isolation, loneliness
    • Disorientation
    • Frustration
    • Criticisms of the host country
    • Nervousness, irratability, depression
    • Anger
    • Self-doubt
  5. What are the five types of culture shock?
    • Role shock: lack of knowledge about rules of behaviour
    • Language shock: lack of common language, inability to communicate properly
    • Cultural fatigue: tired due to constant adjustment to new culture
    • Transition shock: initial phase of adjustment
    • Re-entry shock: phase of adjustment after returning to home country
  6. How to cope with culture shock
    • Know that your reactions are normal
    • Stay in contact with family and friends
    • Seek others from your own cultural background who have adjusted to the experience
    • Seek other new people for support
    • Seek people from the new culture who can help you learn
    • Join a community group
  7. What are norms and values??
    • Values:
    • the goal of our lives
    • abstract and general
    • basis for norms of societies

    • Norms:
    • rules that govern our lives
    • expecations, rules of behaviour
    • develop out of values
    • guidelines for behaviour
    • informal or formal (laws)
    • specific in comparison to values
    • outward expressiongs of societys values
  8. What are some elements of nonverbal communication?
    • Tone of voice
    • Gestures
    • Social relationships
    • Silence
    • Manners and behaviours
    • Customs and rituals
  9. Introduction and Greetings
    • Common in many Asian countries
    • nonverbal gesture of recognition
    • Japan = more complex
    • Handshake now complements/replaces bowing
  10. Eye contact
    • Speaking vs Listening eye behaviour
    • Direct or indirecr eye contact
    • Social hierarchy and eye contact
  11. Facial expression
    The nod, the smile
    • Nod:
    • way of agreeing/disagreeing
    • as a listening tool - 4 meanings
    • - im listening and agree
    • - listening, dont necessarily agree
    • - very confused byt want you to keep talking
    • - trying to encourage

    • Smile:
    • multiple meanings
    • in asia often means fearor embarrassment
  12. Hand gestures
    • Broad or small (italian v asian)
    • Same gesture can = different meaning
    • Touching
  13. Respect
    • expressed through:
    • eye contact
    • exnchanging business cards
    • way of greeting
    • order of introduction
    • tone of voice
    • gifts
  14. How is silence perceived in both western and eastern cultures?
    • Western: negative
    • Asian: respectful and positive
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TOUR2000 Lecture Five
customs social behaviour and etiquette