Psych Unit 4

  1. Abuse of more than one substance
    polysubstance abuse
  2. use of substance that results in maladaptive behavior
  3. refers to the negative psychologic and physical reactions that occur when use of a substance ceases of dramatically decreases.
    Withdrawal syndrome
  4. can be defined as using a drug in a way that is inconsistent with medical or social normals despite negative consequences
    substance abuse
  5. includes problems associated with addiction such as tolerance, withdrawal and unsuccessful attempts to stop using the substance
    substance dependence
  6. After continued heavy drinking, the person experiences----------, which means that very small amounts of alcohol intoxicate the person.
    tolerance break
  7. Substance abuse: is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream
  8. Drugs where withdrawel is life threatening
    alcohol and barbiturates
  9. Drugs to help in safe withdrawel of alcohol
    Benzodiazepines: Ativan, librium or valium
  10. Can cause dilated pupiles
    Stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine)
  11. Intoxication of which causes constricted pupils, pyschomotor retardation/agitation, listlessness, impaired judgement, apathy, impaired attention and memory
  12. treatment of opioid toxicity
  13. can treat opioid withdrawal symptoms and make them seem no worse than a mild case of the flu
  14. Thiamine, Vitamin B
    deficiency can cause dementia. vitamin B used to treat wernicke-korsakoff syndrome.
  15. Can help reduce cravings for alcohol
  16. -opioid antagonist used to treat overdose
    -may be prescribed (if pt is willing) to help deter clients from drinking. Substances containing alcohol will make pt sick.
    • -reVia
    • -antabuse
  17. Refers to multiple physical complaints with no organic basis, complaints are usually described dramatically
  18. The transference of mental experiences and states into bodily symptoms
  19. disorders that can be characterized as the presence of physical symptoms that suggest a medical conditon without a demonstrable organic basis to account fully for them.
    somatiform disorders
  20. One of the five specific somatoform disorders: characterized by multiple physical symptoms. Begins by 30 years of age, extends over several years, and includes a combinatoion of pain and gi, sexual, and pseudoneurologic symptoms.
    somatization disorder
  21. -One of the five specific somatoform disorders: sometimes called conversion reaction, involves unexplained, sually sudden deficits in sensory or motor function (blindness, paralysis)
    -seeming lack of concern or distress is a key feature of above
    • -conversion disorder
    • -la belle indifference
  22. One of the five specific somatoform disorders: is preoccupation with the fear that one has a serious disease (disease conviction), or that one will get a serious disease (phobia)
  23. One of the five specific somatoform disorders: preoccupation with an imagined or exaggerated defect in physical appearance, such as thinking ones nose is too big
    body dysmorphic disorder
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Psych Unit 4