Nervous System 1 Test 3 Flashcards.txt

  1. Labetalol (2)
    • Trandate or Normodyne
    • B1 Antagonist
    • B2 antagonist
    • Probably a1 antagonist
    • Various cardio diseases
  2. Carvedilol
    • Coreg
    • B1 antagonist
    • B2 antagonist
    • Possibly a1 antagonist
    • Various cardio diseases
  3. Nebivolol
    • Bystolic
    • B1 antagonist
    • NO release
    • Varios cardio diseases
  4. Nebivolol
    • Bystolic
    • Selective B1 blocker
    • Varios cardio disease
    • Prophylactic migraine aid
  5. Esmolol
    • Brevibloc
    • Selective B1 blocker
    • Various cardio disease
    • Prophylactic migraine aid
  6. Bisoprolol
    • Zebeta
    • Selective B1 blocker
    • Varios cardio disease
    • Prophylactic migraine aid
  7. Betaxalol
    • Kerlone
    • Selective B1 blocker
    • Various cardio disease
    • Prophylactic migraine aid
  8. Acebutolol (syllabus says Avebutolol but it's a typo)
    • Sectral
    • Selective B1 blocker
    • Varios cardio disease
    • Prophylactic migraine aid
  9. Metoprolol tartrate
    • Lopressor
    • Selective B1 blocker
    • Various cardio disease
    • Prophylactic migraine aid
  10. Metoprolol succinate
    • Toprol xl
    • Selective B1 blocker
    • Sustained release
    • Various cardio disease
    • Prophylactic migraine aid
  11. Metapranolol
    • Optipranolol
    • Nonselective B1,B2 blocker
    • Glaucoma
  12. Levobunolol
    • Betagan
    • Nonselective B1,B2 blocker
    • Glaucoma
  13. Carteolol
    • Ocupress
    • Nonselective B1,B2 blocker
    • Glaucoma
  14. Penbutolol
    • Levatol
    • Nonselective B1,B2 blocker
    • Varios cardio
    • Migraine (propylactic)
  15. Pindolol
    • Visken
    • Nonselective B1,B2 blocker
    • Various cardio
    • Migraine(prophylactic)
  16. Nadolol
    • Corgard
    • Nonselective B1,B2 blocker
    • Various cardio
    • Migraine(prophylactic)
  17. Propranolol
    • Inderal
    • Nonselective B1,B2 blocker
    • Various cardio
    • Migraine(prophylactic)
  18. Silodosin
    • Rapaflo
    • A1 blocker
    • BPH
    • HTN
  19. Alfuzosin
    • Uroxatral
    • A1 blocker
    • BPH
    • HTN
  20. Tamsulosin
    • Flomax
    • A1 blocker
    • BPH
    • HTN
  21. Doxazosin
    • Cardura
    • A1 blocker
    • HTN
  22. Terazosin
    • Hytrin
    • A1 blocker
    • HTN
  23. Prazosin
    • Minipress
    • A1 blocker
    • HTN
  24. Phentolamine
    • Regitine
    • Nonselective A1,A2 blocker
    • HTN
  25. Dopamine
    • Intropin
    • Mixed acting agonist
    • D1 at low Ro,D1+B1 at medium Ro,D1+B1+A1 at high Ro, plus indirect effects
    • Increase force of heart contraction
  26. Ephedra
    • Ephedrine
    • Mixed acting agonist
    • A1,A2,B1,B2 plus indirect
    • Energy, weight loss
    • Decongestant
  27. Sudafed
    • Pseudoephedrine
    • Indirect A1 agonist (also a weak direct agonist)
    • Nasal decongestant
  28. Brimonidine
    • Alphagen P
    • Selective direct acting A2 agonist
    • HTN
    • Glaucoma
  29. Apraclonidine
    • Iopidine
    • Selective direct A2 agonist
    • HTN
    • Glaucoma
  30. Guanfacine
    • Tenex
    • Selective direct A2 agonist
    • HTN
    • Glaucoma
  31. Guanabenz
    • Wytensin
    • Selective direct A2 agonist
    • HTN
    • Glaucoma
  32. A-Methyldopa
    • Aldomet
    • Combines with L-Dopa in Dopa Decarboxylase rxn to eventually become alpha-methyl-NE(in place of normal NE), which will act as a direct A2 agonist
    • HTN
    • Glaucoma
  33. Clonidine
    • Catapres
    • Selective direct A2 agonist
    • HTN
    • Glaucoma
  34. A-methytyrosine aka
    • Demser
    • Inhibits tyrosine hydroxylase to lower sns response
    • Treatment of pheochromocytoma
  35. A-methyldopa
    • Aldomet
    • False transmitter, but more so an A2 agonist
    • Lowers bp
    • HTN
  36. Reserpine
    • Serpasil
    • Inhibits V-MAT 2 presynaptic storage
  37. Cocaine and SSRIs
    NET inhibitors
  38. Guanethidine
    • Ismelin
    • Kicks NE out of presynaptic storage vesicle to be hydrolyzed by MAO, lowering NE supply
  39. Guanadrel
    • Hylorel
    • Kicks NE out of presynaptic vesicle to be hydrolyzed by MAO, lowering NE supply
  40. Clonidine
    • Catapres
    • A2 agonist
    • HTN
  41. Edrophonium
    • Tensilon
    • Competitive anticholinesterase
    • Diagnosis of myasthenic crisis or cholinergic crisis
    • Acts within 30 seconds and ends in minutes
  42. Tacrine
    • Cognex
    • Competitive Anticholinesterase
  43. Donepezil
    • Aricept
    • Competitive anticholinesterase
    • Alzheimers dementia
  44. Physostigmine
    • Eserine and Antilirium
    • Substrate inhibitor anticholinesterase
    • Glaucoma
    • Alzeimers
    • Myasthenias gravis
  45. Pyridostigmine
    • Regonol and Mestinon
    • Substrate inhibitor anticholinesterase
    • Alzheimers
    • Myasthenias gravis
  46. Rivastigmine
    • Exelon
    • Substrate inhibitor anticholinesterase
    • Alzheimers
    • Prolongs effects of depolarizing NM blockers since ACHe is too occupied to degrade succinylcholine (which it would normally make quick work of)
  47. Galantamine
    • Razadyne and Reminyl
    • Substrate inhibitor anticholinesterase
  48. Trancylpromine
    • Parnate
    • Nonselective MAOI
  49. Phenylzine
    • Nardil
    • Nonselective MAOI
  50. Selegiline
    • Eldepryl and EMSAM
    • Selective MAOI (B)
  51. Acetylcholine
    • Miochol-E
    • M3 agonist
  52. Bethanechol
    • Urecholine
    • M3 agonist
  53. Cevimeline
    • Evoxac
    • M3 agonist
  54. Dorzolamide
    • Trusopt
    • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
    • Glaucoma treatment by lowering aqueous humor production
  55. Brinzolamide
    • Azopt
    • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
    • Treats glaucoma by lowering aqueous humor production
  56. Latanaprost
    • Xalatan
    • Prostaglandin analog
    • Glaucoma
    • Increase Uveoscleral Outflow
  57. Travoprost
    • Travatan
    • Prostaglandin analogs
    • Glaucoma
    • Increase Uveoscleral Outflow
  58. Bimatoprost
    • Lumigan
    • Prostaglandin analog
    • Glaucoma
    • Increase Uveoscleral Outflow
  59. Pilocarpine (4 brand names)
    • Salagen, Pilocar, isoptocarpine, ocusert pilo 20
    • M3 agonist contact lense
    • Glaucoma
  60. Atropine (eye exams)
    • M3 blocker
    • Induce mydriasis and cycloplegia
  61. Homatropine
    • M3 blocker
    • Causes mydriasis and cycloplegia for eye exams
  62. Tropicamide
    • Mydriacyl
    • M3 blocker
    • Used to induce mydriasis and cycloplegia for eye exams
  63. Tropicamide and hydroxyamphetamine
    • Paremyd
    • Tropicamide is an M3 blocker
    • Hydroxyamphetamine enters presynaptic vesicle to push NE into synapse indirectly causing sympathetic response
    • Induces mydriasis and cycloplegia for eye exams
  64. Cyclopentolate
    • Cyclogyl
    • M3 blocker
    • Induces mydriasis and cycloplegia for eye exams
  65. Scopolamine
    • Transderm Scop
    • M3 blocker
    • For motion sickness
  66. Ipratropium
    • Atrovent
    • M3 blocker
    • COPD
    • Asthma
  67. Tiotropium
    • Spiriva
    • M3 blocker
    • COPD
    • Asthma
  68. Benztropine
    • Cogentin
    • M3 blocker
    • Parkinsons adjunct
    • Extrapyramidal disorders
  69. Trihexyphenidyl
    • Artane
    • M3 blocker
    • Parkinsons adjunct
    • Extrapyramidal disorders
  70. Tolterodine
    • Detrol
    • M3 blocker
    • Treats overactive bladder
  71. Oxybutynin
    • Ditropan
    • M3 blocker
    • Treats overactive bladder
  72. Darifenacin
    • Enablex
    • M3 blocker
    • Treatment of overactive bladder
  73. Solifenacin
    • Vesicare
    • M3 blocker
    • Treatment of overactive bladder
  74. Trospium
    • Sanctura
    • M3 blocker
    • Treatment of overactive bladder
  75. Fesoterodine
    • Toviaz
    • M3 blocker
    • Treatment of overactive bladder
  76. Flavoxate
    • Urispas
    • M3 blocker
    • Treatment of overactive bladder
  77. Propantheline
    • Probanthine
    • M3 blocker
    • GI disorders
    • Presurgery
  78. Dicyclomine
    • Bentyl
    • M3 blocker
    • GI disorders
    • Preop
  79. Glycopyrrolate
    • Robinul
    • M3 blocker
    • GI disorders
    • Preop
  80. Oxymetazoline
    • Afrin
    • Direct selective A1 agonist
    • Vasoconstrictor
    • Decongestant
  81. Phenylephrine
    • Neosynephrine
    • Direct selective a1 agonist
    • Vasoconstrictor
    • Decongestant
  82. Formoterol
    • Foradil (part of symbicort)
    • Direct selective B2 agonist
    • Bronchospasm prevention
  83. Salmeterol
    • Serevent
    • Direct selective B2 agonist
    • Bronchospasm prevention
  84. Albuterol
    • Ventolin or Proventil
    • Direct selective B2 agonist
    • Bronchospasm prevention
  85. Terbutaline
    • Brethine or Bricanyl
    • Direct selective B2 agonist
    • Bronchospasm prevention
  86. Fenoldopam
    • Corlopam
    • Direct nonselective D1 agonist
    • Severe HTN
  87. Dobutamine
    • Dobutrex
    • Direct nonselective agonist
    • B1,some B2 agonist
    • Refractory heart failure treatment
  88. Isoproterenol
    • Isuprel
    • Direct nonselective
    • B1,B2 agonist
    • Same grouping as epi
  89. Epinephrine
    • Adrenalin
    • Direct nonselective
    • A1,A2,B1,B2 agonist
  90. Norepinephrine
    • Levophed
    • Direct nonselective
    • A1,A2,B1 agonist
  91. Dantrolene
    • Dantrium
    • Ryanodine receptor blocker
    • Stops malignant hyperthermia
  92. Succinylcholine
    • Anectine
    • Depolarizing NM blocker
    • Preop
  93. Rocuronium
    • Zemuron
    • Non depolarizing NM blocker
    • Preop
  94. D-Tubocurarine
    • No brand
    • Nondepolarizing NM blocker
    • Preop or poisen darts
  95. Doxacurium
    • Nuromax
    • Nondepolarizing NM blocker
  96. Pancuronium
    • Pavulon
    • Nondepolarizing NM blocker
  97. Cisatracurium
    • Nimbex
    • Nondepolarizing NM blocker
  98. Vecuronium
    • Norcuron
    • Nondepolarizing NM blocker
  99. Mivacurium
    • Mivacron
    • Nondepolarizing NM blocker
  100. Pipecuronium
    • Arduan
    • Nondepolarizing NM blocker
  101. Acetazolamide
    • Diamox
    • Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor
    • Oral for glaucoma
    • Bad side effects
  102. Blockadren
    • Timolol
    • Non-Selective Beta Blocker
    • Treats Glaucoma by lowering aqueous humor production, and lowering IOP by about 20-30%
  103. Timoptic
    • Timolol
    • Non-Selective Beta Blocker
    • Treatment of Glaucoma by decreasing aqueous humor production, thereby lowering IOP by 20-30%
  104. Betoptic S
    • Betaxolol (the syllabus says Timolol, this is a typo)
    • Competitive and selective B1 blocker
    • Treat Glaucoma by lowering production of aqueous humor, lowers IOP by 20-30%
  105. Cosopt
    • Timolol + Dorzolamide
    • Timolol is a nonselective Beta blocker that reduces production of aqueous humor to lower IOP by 20-30%
    • Dorzolamide is a Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor which also lowers aqueous humor production
    • This helps treat symptoms of Glaucoma
  106. Combigan
    • Timolol + Brimonidine
    • Timolol is a nonselective beta blocker, it reduces production of aqueous humor, which lowers IOP by 20-30%
    • Brimonidine is an alpha 2 agonist, which is thought to lower aqueous humor production and increase uveoscleral outflow to lower IOP by 20-35%
    • Glaucoma treatment
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Nervous System 1 Test 3 Flashcards.txt
Nervous System Drugs for Test 3 Pollock