Principles of Growth and Development

  1. when does the stomodeum form in the embryo?
    week 6
  2. when is the height of cartilagenous skeletal development?
    3rd month intrauterine
  3. explain the development of the mandible
    intramembranous bone formation. condylar cartilage develops separately and fuses with the mandibular ramus
  4. list 3 birth defects associated with Pierre Robin
    • 1. micrognathia
    • 2. glossoptosis
    • 3. cleft palate
  5. describe Treacher Collins Syndrome
    • 1. autosomal dominant
    • 2. neural crest migration/proliferation in 1st and 2nd branchial arches does not occur normally
    • 3. microtia, deafness
  6. describe Pheiffer Syndrome
    • 1. fusion of cervical vertebrae
    • 2. fusion of coronal sutures occurs pre-natally
  7. condylar/mandibular growth is closest to which growth curve?
    general growth curve
  8. maxillary growth follows what type of growth curve
    neural growth curve
  9. which grows first/faster, maxilla or mandible?
    maxilla: follows neural growth; neural growth is faster than general growth (mandible)
  10. what type of growth does the cranial vault exhibit?
    intramembranous bone formation
  11. what type of growth do epiphyseal plates undergo?
  12. the cranial base undergoes what type of formation?
    endochondral ossification
  13. what makes the initial form of the cranial base?
    cartilaginous synchrondoses
  14. what type of growth does the maxilla undergo?
    Postnatal intramembranous ossificiation
  15. describe the growth of the mandible
    the body of the mandible grows longer by appositional growth on its posterior surface while the ramus grows higher by endochondral replacement
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Principles of Growth and Development
lecture 1