flight maneuvers & checklists

  1. Power on stall recovery

    • 1. smoothly lower PA pitch attitude to horizon to break stall (LEVEL, not pitched down)
    • 2. as airspeed reaches Vx 55 initiate climb by decreasing pitch to Vy climb attitude
    • 3. maintain specified alt
    • 4 set cruise power
    • 5 complete cruise checklist
  2. Fahrenheit > Celsius

    Fahrenheit > Celsius

    64 - 18

    70 - 21
  3. Celsius to Fahrenheit


    5 - 41

    15 - 59
  4. Power On Stall

    • perform pre-maneuver checklist
    • carb heat on
    • reduce power to around 1500 (slow down)
    • as airspeed decreases, maintain alt with increasing back pressure (use trim)
    • at 55 simultaneously add power and increase pitch to induce stall
    • add right rudder
    • announce stall horn, buffet, and "stalling"
  5. Celsius to Fahrenheit


    10 - 50

    18 - 64
  6. Fahrenheit > Celsius

    Fahrenheit > Celsius

    77 - 25

    68 - 20
  7. Power off stall

    • pre-maneuver chklst
    • carb heat on
    • reduce power to around 1500 (slow down)
    • maintain alt with increasing back pressure (use trim)
    • maintain heading
    • maintain alt until 65; trim for 65 and begin stabilized descent for 3 seconds (count out loud 1-2-3)
    • reduce power to idle and increase pitch attitude slightly above horizon
    • as airspeed decreases, continously increase back pressure to maintain alt until stall
    • announce horn, buffet, and "stalling"
  8. Celsius to Fahrenheit


    25 - 77

    20 - 68
  9. Fahrenheit > Celsius

    Fahrenheit > Celsius

    86 - 30

    55 - 13
  10. pitch controls
    acronym to get out of spin
    final approach speed
    a skylane is a
    152 cruising rpm
    152 stall speed no flaps
    lean mixture when
    • pitch controls speed
    • acronym to get out of spin PARE (below)
    • 152 final approach speed with flaps 60
    • a skylane is a 182
    • 152 cruising rpm 22-2300
    • 152 stall speed no flaps 42
    • 152 lean mixture >3000 ft

    • PARE
    • Power idle
    • Ailerons neutral
    • Rudder opposite the spin and held
    • Elevator Forward
  11. Celsius to Fahrenheit

    30 - 86

    21 - 70

    18 - 64
  12. Power Off Stall Recovery

    • Simultaneously add full power and lower pitch attitude slightly below horz to break stall
    • retract flaps 10
    • as airspeed reaches Vx 55 initiate climb by increasing pitch to Vy climb attitude
    • pos rate of climb & Vy 67 retract flaps (do not rush retracting flaps)
    • maintain specified alt
    • set cruise power
    • complete cruise checklist
  13. Fahrenheit > Celsius

    Fahrenheit > Celsius

    52 - 10

    59 - 15

    41 - 5
  14. Pre-Maneuver Checklist

    a-fm: - fo-mr-ch-m-p-L-ct-bpl-rc
    • appropriate alt
    • Fuel management:
    • fuel on; mixure rich; carb heat off; magnetos both, primer in and locked
    • lights on
    • clearing turn (90 turn to each side of heading or 180 degree turn to opp direction)
    • best place to land
    • radio class
  15. Descent from 3000 to downwind

    • 1900 rpm
    • 90 kias
    • 500 fpm
    • carb heat ON
  16. Balked Landing checklist

    • 1 Throttle full
    • 2 Carb Heat off
    • 3. Flap retract one notch
    • 4. airspeed 55
    • 5 flaps retract slowly
  17. Downwind specs: rpm, kias, fpm

    then what while on downwind?

    1700, 90 kias, 700 fpm

    • even with runway number
    • rpm 1500,
    • flap one notch,
    • kias 80
    • turn to base when 45 degrees off runway
  18. Engine Failure in Flight

    • airspeed
    • best field
    • checklist - fo/mr/ch/ig/r/pl
    • declare

    • fo/mr/ch/ig/r/pl
    • fuel on?
    • mixture too rich?
    • carb heat (ice is the #1 cause: if it is ice, adding carb heat will melt ice, water may make engine run rough until cleared)
    • ignition switch - turn left and right - restart?
    • primer lock
  19. Base: rpm - kias - what else?

    Final: rpm - kias - what else?
    • more important than rpm is to trim for 70k
    • Base:
    • 1500
    • 70 k
    • 20 degrees of flaps

    • Final
    • rpm 1500
    • 60 k
    • 30 degrees flaps
  20. 152 Take off
    lift nose
    typical cruise climb
    • life nose at 50
    • Vx 55
    • Vy 67
    • typical cruise climb 65-75
  21. name the 7 instruments

    1 2 3 7

    4 5 6
    • 1 ASI
    • 2 AI
    • 3 Alt
    • 4 Turn & Bank
    • 5 Direction
    • 6 VSI
    • 7 tach
  22. Passenger Briefing

    Take off briefing
    • SEFTA
    • Seatbelts, Emerg Exits, Fire, Traffic Avoid assist, A/C & vents

    • DICE-C
    • Departing runway
    • Initial Heading
    • Course/Destination
    • Emergency
    • abnormalities on runway - abort
    • runway remaining - pitch/power/flaps
    • without runway - pitch for best glide Vg 60

    Crosswind is __
  23. Carlsbad tower elev
    max crosswind
    • Carlsbad tower elev 330
    • max crosswind 12
    • Vx 55 max climb over dist
    • Vso 35 stall speed (dirty) full flaps
    • Vs1 40 stall speed (clean) no flaps or landing gear
    • Vy 67 max climb over time
    • Vg 60 best glide
    • Va 93-104 design maneuver speed
    • Vfe 85 max flap speed
    • Vno 111 max structural cruising speed
    • Vne 149 never exceed
  24. power controls
    lights camera action =
    workload management
  25. power controls altitude
    • lights camera action = landing lights; transponder camera; action mixture full rich
    • workload management = Aviate Navigate Communicate
  26. pre-maneuver checklist

    • appropriate ALT
    • Fuel & ignition mgt:
    • fuel on, mix rich, carb heat off, magnetos both, primer in and locked
    • lights on
    • clearing turns
    • best place to land
    • radio class
  27. Slow Flight Checklist & Recovery

    ALT for exercise?

    +/- 100 feet alt; 10 degrees heading, 10 degree angle of bank, 10 kts
    ALT: at or above 1500 AGL

    • PM Checklist
    • maintain ALT
    • Carb heat on
    • reduce power to around 1500 (slow down)
    • maintain ALT
    • extend flaps one notch at a time
    • maintain heading and alt
    • approaching 55 k increase power to 1900
    • maintain minimum airspeed above stall, stall horn chirping
    • Control ALT with power, airspeed with pitch
    • when turning (1/2 rate) increase power approx 100 rpm to make up for loss of lift in turn

    • Recovery
    • full power
    • maintain ALT
    • retract flaps 10 degrees at a time
    • after aircraft stabilizes, set cruise power
Card Set
flight maneuvers & checklists
cessna flight maneuvers and checklist