What foramina are found on the face?
- Supraorbital notch
- Infraorbital foramen
- Zygomatico-facial foramen
- Mental foramen
Supraorbital notch
- In frontal bone
- Connects orbit and forehead
- Contains Supraorbital nerve, artery and vein
Infraorbital foramen
- In maxillary bone
- Connects orbit and face
- Contains infraorbital nerve, artery and vein
Zygomatico-facial foramen
- In zygomatic bone
- Connects orbit and face
- Contains Zygomatico-facial nerve
Mental Foramen
- In mandible
- Connects mandibular canal to face
- Contains mental nerve, artery and vein
What foramen can be found in the calvarium and cranial vault?
- Parietal foramen
- Mastoid foramen
Parietal Foramen
- In parietal bone (on either side of sagital suture)
- Connects dipole in bone to scalp
- Contains emissionary veins
Mastoid Foramen
- In temporal bone (behind mastoid process)
- Connects dipole in bone to scalp
- Contains emissionary veins
What foramen are found on the base of the cranium from the external side?
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen spinosum
- Bony part of auditory tube
- Carotid canal
- Stylomastoid foramen
- Jugular foramen
- Hypoglossal canal
- Foramen magnum
- Pterygoid canal
- Pterygomaxillary fissure
- Posterior superior alveolar foramina
- Petrotympanic fissure
Foramen ovale
- In Sphenoid bone
- Connects middle cranial fossa and infratemporal fossa
- Contains mandibular division of Trigeminal nerve (V3) and Accessory Menengial artery
Foramen Spinosum
- In sphenoid bone
- Connects middle cranial fossa and infratemporal fossa
- Contains middle meningeal artery and nervus spinosus (branch of V3)
Bony part of auditory tube
- In temporal and sphenoid bones
- Connects middle ear (via cartilaginous part of auditory tube) and nasopharynx
- Contains air
Carotid Canal
- Located in temporal bone
- Connects base of skull to middle cranial fossa
- Contains internal carotid artery and sympatheric plexus surrounding artery
*Opening of carotid canal in middle cranial fossa is called Foramen Lacerum
Stylomastoid foramen
- In temporal bone
- Connects internal auditory meatus of posterior cranial fossa to base of skull (via facial canal)
- Contains facial nerve (CN VII)
Jugular foramen
- Located in temporal and occipital bones
- Connects posterior cranial fossa to base of skull
- Contains internal jugular vein, glossopharyngeal (CN IX), Vagus (CN X) and Acessory (CN XI)
Hypoglossal canal
- In occipital bone
- Connects posterior cranial fossa and base of skull
- Contains Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Foramen Magnum
- Located in occipital bone
- Connects posterior cranial fossa vertebral canal
- Contains spinal cord (with meninges) and vertebral arteries and veins
Pterygoid canal
- In sphenoid bone
- Connects base of skull to pterygopalatine fossa
- Contains nerve and artery of pterygoid canal
Pterygomaxillary fissure
- Located between maxillary and greater wing of sphenoid
- Connects pterygopalatine fossa to infratemporal fossa
- Contains maxillary artery (third part) and branches of maxillary nerve (V2)
Posterior superior alveolar foramina
- Located in maxillary bone
- Connects infratemporal fossa to maxillary teeth
- Contains posterior superior alveolar nerve, artery and vein
Pterygotympanic fissure
- Located in tempral bone (between petrous and tympanic parts)
- Connects facial canal to base of skull
- Contains chorda tympani (branch of VII) and anterior tympanic artery
What foramina are found on the interior of the skull?
- Olfactory foramen
- Optic foramen and canal
- Carotid canal
- Superior orbiral fissure
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen spinosum
- Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve
- Internal auditory meatus
- Jugular foramen
- Hypoglossal canal
- Foramen magnum
Olfactory foramen
- In cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
- Connects anterior cranial fossa and nasal cavity
- Contains branches of olfactory nerve (fila olfactoria) (CN I)
Optic foramen and canal
- Located at base of lesser wing of sphenoid bone
- Connects middle cranial fossa to orbit
- Contains optic nerve and opthalmic artery
Superior orbital fissure
- Located between greater and lesser wings of sphenoid bone
- Connects middle cranial fossa and orbit
- Contains Oculomotor (CN III), Trochlear (CN IV), Abuducen (CN VI) nerves and Opthalmic division of trigeminal nerve AND Opthalmic veins
Foramen rotundum
- Located in Greater wing of sphenoid
- Connects middle cranial fossa to pterygopalatine fossa
- Contains Maxillary division of trigemminal nerve (V2)
Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve (superior hiatus)
- Located in temporal bone
- Connects facial canal (in temporal bone) to middle cranial fossa
- Contains greater petrosal nerve (branch of Facial nerve; CN VII)
*Look for slit or crack in petrous part of temporal bone directed toward foramen lacerum
Internal auditory meatus
- Located in temporal bone
- Connects posterior cranial fossa to inner ear (via facial canal) and Stylomastoid foramen
- Contains facial (CN VII) and vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerves
What are the foramina of the orbit?
- Optic foramen and canal
- Superior orbital fissure
- Inferior orbital fissure
- Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina
- Supraorbital notch of foramen
- Infraorbital foramen
- Nasolacrimal duct
Inferior orbital fissure
- Located between sphenoid and maxillary bones
- Connects pterygopalantine fossa and infratemporal fossa to orbit
- Contains infraorbital and zygomatic nerves arteries and veins (nerves are branches of V2)
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramen
- Located between ethmoid and frontal bones
- Connect orbit and nasal cavity
- Contain (respectively) anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves, arteries and veins
- *nerves are branches of V1; arteries are branches of opthalmic artery
Supraorbital notch or foramen
- Located in frontal bone
- Connect orbit and forehead
- Contain supraorbital nerve, artery and vein
Infraorbital foramen
- In maxillary bone
- Connects orbit and face
- Contains infraorbital nerve, artery and vein
Nasolacrimal duct
- Located in maxillary, lacrimal bones and inferior nasal concha
- Connects orbit and nasal cavity
- Contains membranous lacrimal duct and tears
What foramina are found in the oral cavity?
- Incisive foramen
- Greater palatine foramen
- Lesser palatine foramen
Incisive foramen
- Located in maxillary bone
- Connects nasal cavity and oral cavity
- Transmits nasopalatine nerve and sphenopalatine artery and vein
Greater palatine foramen
- Located between maxillary and palatine bones
- Connects pterygopalatine fossa and oral cavity
- Contains greater palatine nerve, artery and vein
Lesser palatine foramen
- Located in palatine bone
- Connects pterygopalatine fossa and oral cavity
- Contains lesser palatine nerve artery and vein
What foramina are found in the nasal cavity?
- Sphenopalatine foramen
- Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramen
Sphenopalatine foramen
- Located between sphenoid and palatine bones
- Connects pterygopalatine fossa and nasal cavity
- Contains nasopalatine nerve and sphenopalatine artery and vein