
  1. failure of the circulatory system to meet metabolic needs of vital organs (brain, heart, kidneys)
  2. amt of blood pumped out the left ventricle per minute

    normally 4-8 liter per min
    cardiac output
  3. formula of cardiac output
    stroke vol x hr
  4. vol of blood ejected by the ventricle with each contraction
    stroke vol
  5. vol of blood filling the ventricle just before ventricular contraction
  6. resistance to blood flow out of the ventricle during ventricular contraction
  7. forcefulness of myocardial contraction
  8. form of shock where the heart is unable to supply enough blood to the body bc of blood loss or inadequate blood volume
    hypovolemic shock
  9. serious, abnormal condition that occurs when an overwhelming infection leads to low bp and low blood flow. vital orgrans, brain, heart, kidneys and livers may not function properly or may fail
    septic shock
  10. dilation of peripheral vasculature from an allergic response that results in circulatory failure
    anaphylactic shock
  11. severe disease caused by a toxin made by staphlococccus aureus, characterized by shock and multiple organ dysfunction
    toxic shock
  12. cause of hypovolemic shock
    • loss of blood vol
    • -hemorhage
    • -dehydration
  13. causes of septic, anaphylactic, toxic shock
    • vasodilation
    • decrease afterload (resistance of blood flow out of the ventricle during vetricular contraction)
    • hypotention
  14. clinical signs of shock
    • hypotension
    • tachypnea
    • tachycardia
    • oliguria -decreased urine output
    • altered sensorium
    • cool, clammy skin
  15. abgs lab findings of shock
    • hypoxemia
    • metabolic acidosis
  16. electrlytes lab findings of shock
    • hypernathermia (inc sodium)
    • anion gap >16 mEq/Liter
    • leukocytosis in septic shock (inc wbc)
  17. formula for anion gap
    na - (cl + hc03)

    normal: 8-16 mEq
  18. hemodynamic values for septic shock
    • increase cardiac output
    • decrease systemic vascular resistance
    • normal pulm cap wedge pressure
  19. hymodynamic values of hypovolemic shock
    • inc svr
    • dec central venous pressure, pcwp, co
  20. 5 types of treatment for shock
    • o2 therapy
    • mech vent
    • replacement of blood vol
    • antibiotics for septic shock
    • vasopressor therapy for septic shock
  21. o2 therapy must be high/low concentrations?
    high concentrations
  22. what type of mech vent settings to treat shock

    • because of:
    • resp muscle fatigue
    • decreased sensorium
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