
  1. cross culture literacy
    an understanding of how cultural differences across and within nations can affect the way business is practiced
  2. culture
    a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living
  3. values
    abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable
  4. norms
    the social rules that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations
  5. folkways
    • the routine conventions for everyday life
    • little moral signifigance
  6. What two categories can norms be split into?
    • folkways
    • norms
  7. mores
    • norms that are seen as central to the functioning of society and to its social life
    • violation=serious retribution
    • somestimes mores become laws
  8. which societies tend to be more group oriented?
  9. power distance
    the extent to which a society allows inequalities of physical and intellectual capabilities between people to grow into inequalities of power and wealth
  10. high power distance=
    large inequalities
  11. low power distance=
    play down inequalities as much as possible
  12. uncertainty avoidance
    extent to which cultures specialize members to accept ambiguous situations and to tolerate uncertainty
  13. high uncertainty avoidance=
    strong need for rules and regulations
  14. low uncertainty avoidance=
    • rediness to take risks
    • less emotional resistance to change
  15. masculine cultures=
    sex roles are sharpened
  16. feminine cultures
    sex roles are less distinguished
  17. Hofstede's four dimensions of culture
    • power distance
    • individualism vs. collectivism
    • uncertainty avoidance
    • masculinity vs feminity
  18. confucian dynamism
    • extent to which a society adheres to confucian values about time, persistence, order by status, protection of face, respect for tradition, and reciprocation of gifts
    • Hofstede
  19. As countries get richer, they shift from traditional values linked to tradition to....
    secular rational values
  20. ethocentrism
    a belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture
  21. culture is NOT...
    • right or wrong
    • inherited
    • about individual behavior
  22. culture is composed of (6):
    • religion
    • politics
    • economics
    • education
    • language
    • social structure
  23. low context cultures
    • direct approach
    • informal
    • task focused
  24. high context cultures
    • face saving
    • formal
    • relationship focused
  25. geocentrism
    inbetween ethnocentrism and polycentrism
  26. polycentrism
    reject home culture in favor of others
  27. what is the primary concern of communism?
    elimination of capitalist exploitation
  28. ex of communist countries
    • cuba
    • n korea
  29. who owns the means of production in a social democracy?
  30. how does a social democracy provide a univeral right to a social safety net?
  31. what is the primary concern for social democrats?
    a more equal distribution of wealth.
  32. ex of social democracy
    • Swe
    • Fra
    • Germ
    • Austria
    • Nor
    • Den
    • Fin
    • Can
    • Ire
    • Ita
    • Jap
    • Sing
  33. Most of the world adheres to ..... law
  34. ex of theocratic law
    • iran
    • afghanistan
Card Set
exam 1