Reticular layer
Deep to papillary layer, has many collagen and elastic fibers
Eccrine gland
- Sweat (merocrine) gland; vital in thermoregulation; simple, coiled tubular gland
- Innervated by cholinergic sympathetic axons
- Three types of cells in secretory segment: Dark, Clear, and Myoepithelial
Duct wall of epidermis
Consists of adjacent kerotinocytes
Apocrine sweat glands
- Adrenergic innervation
- Functional at puberty
- Single cell type hat secretes viscous, milky fluid
- Found near hair follicles of axillae, breast, genitals, eyelid, and ear
Sebaceous glands
- Release sebum
- Holocrine secretion (apoptosis)
- Usually associated with hair
- Keratinized
- Connected to papillary layer of dermisby arrector pili smooth muscles