Criminology Exam II pt. 1.txt

  1. What is the medical model view of crime?
    Suggests that society has the responsibility to ty to help correct the biological/physical problems that cause the behavior.
  2. How does the medical model view of crime see society?
    Believes it is society's responsibility to remove criminalsss in order to protect those who are not sick.
  3. How does the medical model view of crime see the criminal justice system?
    Believes the criminal justice system is in charge of controlling the spread of the "disease" of crime.
  4. What is Positivism?
    The idea that it is possible to identify specific causes of behavior using scientific approaches.
  5. What are the three core assumptions about individuals and how their bodies regulate their behavior?
    • 1. All individuals are biologically unique.
    • 2. Differences in individual makeup account for differences in behavior.
    • 3. Characteristics of individuals can be observed.
  6. What do the positivists say about free will?
    • Rejects free will.
    • Behavior was a part of the individual over which he or she has little (if any) control.
  7. Explain Lombroso's atavism theory of crime.
    Lombroso believed that as less-evolved examples of humans, criminals were likely to display a number of physical characteristics that were common and pronounced among apes but not among "evolved" people.
  8. What was the Dugdale's Jukes family study?
    Dugdale noticed 6 members of the Jukes family in prision. Looked back at family trees about 1,oo decendants back and nearly 50% were criminals.
  9. What was Goddard's Kallikak family study?
    Goddard looked at the Kallikak family tree and looked at the two major brances of the legitament son and illegitament son. He noticed that there were more criminals in the illegitament's son side because he was obviously "not of high quality"
  10. What was the significance of the Killikak and Jukes family studys?
    Because of these two studies, there was a new policy which steralized criminals so that they could not pass on this problem to their offspring.
  11. What is the ID?
    Based on instincts and drives. Immediate gradification.
  12. What is the superego?
    The conscience of the person.
  13. What is the Ego?
    The rationalizer.
  14. Describe how the id dominant personality results in crime using the id, ego, and superego.
    Personality in which people do as they please, and are only concerned with their own desires. Improper socialization. Immediate gradification.
  15. Describe how an oversocialized individual personality results in crime, using the id, ego, and superego.
    Superego dominating personality. Early in life, id leads individuals into actions they feel guilty for. However, id becomes repressed and the superego leads to guilty actions. Primary cause for crime - need for punishment and guilt.
  16. Describe how the "explosive" personality results in crime using the id, ego, and superego.
    When the id explodes due to repression.
  17. Explain Yochelson and Samenow's theory of crime.
    Identified common traits and ways of thinking of the criminal personality. 52 traits. People born with criminal ways of thinking not due to socialization.
  18. Explain White and Walters lifestyle perspective theory of crime.
    crime is a consequences of the conditions to which a person is exposed, the choices he or she makes in life, and the cognitions he or she invokes in support of an evolving criminal pattern.
  19. Explain Clecky's theory on psychopathy.
    Appear as normal, symptoms early in life. Constellation of factors.
  20. What is a life course persistant offender?
    An individual who will engage in high levels of crime throughout their lifetime from a very early age.
  21. What is an adolescent limited offender?
    Individual who engages in high levels of crime for only a short term, in their adolescense, for a period of a few years.
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Criminology Exam II pt. 1.txt
Criminology Test