Other Hypnotic Patterns

  1. Pattern 1
    when would now be a good time...?
  2. Pattern 2
    the more that you X, the more that you Y
  3. Pattern 3
    the more you X, the less you Y
  4. Pattern 4
    the sooner you X, the quicker you Y
  5. Pattern 5
    the more you X, the faster you Y
  6. Pattern 6
    the faster you X, the safer you Y
  7. Pattern 7
    would you like this (object) in X or Y?

    • ex. would you like this car in red or blue?
    • would you like red wine or white wine with your meal?
  8. Pattern 8
    • fact, fact, fact, command
    • fact, fact, command
    • fact, command
    • command, command, command
  9. Pattern 9
  10. Pattern 10
    all of that leads...
  11. Pattern 11
    that also causes
  12. Pattern 12
  13. Pattern 13
    a friend once NVER told me to...
  14. Pattern 14
    after you come to...
  15. Pattern 15
    after you've...
  16. Pattern 16
    and the more you X the more you Y
  17. Pattern 17
    as a whole new way of thinking opens up...
  18. Pattern 18
    all that really matters...
  19. Pattern 19
    all that's really important...
  20. Pattern 20
    allowing yourself to just naturally...
  21. Pattern 21
    almost as (if/though/like)...
  22. Pattern 22
    and (name) you know better than anyone...
  23. Pattern 23
    and as that occurs, you really can't help but notice...
  24. Pattern 24
    and creating change like this...
  25. Pattern 25
    and do you notice the beginning of...
  26. Pattern 26
    and I think you're going to enjoy being suprised that...
  27. Pattern 27
    and I want you to notice something that is happening to you...
  28. Pattern 28
    and I wonder if you'll be curious about the fact that you...
  29. Pattern 29
    and I'd like to have you discover..
  30. Pattern 30
    and if you wish...
  31. Pattern 31
    and it appears that already...
  32. Pattern 32
    and it's very rewarding to know that...
  33. Pattern 33
    and like magic...
  34. Pattern 34
    and maybe you'll enjoy noticing...
  35. Pattern 35
    and so it has been done...
  36. Pattern 36
    and sooner or later, I don't know just when...
  37. Pattern 37
    and that growing realization...
  38. Pattern 38
    and that's just fine/all right/ok...
  39. Pattern 39
    and the awarness that you've gained today...
  40. Pattern 40
    and the genuine desire to really CHANGE once and for all...
  41. Pattern 41
    and the ways in wich you'll suprisigly use these learnings...
  42. Pattern 42
    and then, now you'll discover
  43. Pattern 43
    and while you continue...
  44. Pattern 44
    and while you wonder that, I want you to discover that...
  45. Pattern 45
    and while you continue...
  46. Pattern 46
    and while you wonder that, I want you to discover that...
  47. Pattern 47
    and you will be willing to experience...
  48. Pattern 48
    and you begin to wonder when...
  49. Pattern 49
    and you can be pleased...
  50. Pattern 50
    and you can really use it...
  51. Pattern 51
    and you can wonder...
  52. Pattern 52
    and you can wonder what...
  53. Pattern 53
    and you will be suprised at...
  54. Pattern 54
    and your unconcious mind can enable you to...
  55. Pattern 55
    and, in an interesting way, you will discover...
  56. Pattern 56
    another part of you that can take care of your comfort...
  57. Pattern 57
    and that suggestion find it's mark...
  58. Pattern 58
    at first...,but later...
  59. Pattern 59
    at times like this some people enjoy...
  60. Pattern 60
    before you (name your outcome), you can always simply (another or a related outcome)
  61. Pattern 61
    can you notice...?
  62. Pattern 62
    continue by latting you unconcious...
  63. Pattern 63
    enable a particular resource to surface...
  64. Pattern 64
    even though you THINK it would have been hard...
  65. Pattern 65
    find that these changes positively in your future...
  66. Pattern 66
    give yourself the opportunity to see if...
  67. Pattern 67
    have you began to notice that yet?
  68. Pattern 68
    I want to remind you of something that you probably already know, which is...
  69. Pattern 69
    I want you to enjoy this experience...
  70. Pattern 70
    I wonder if you'd like to enjoy...
  71. Pattern 71
    I wonder if you'll be intersted, in learning how, to...
  72. Pattern 72
    I wonder if you'll be pleased to notice...
  73. Pattern 73
    I wonder if you'll be reminded...
  74. Pattern 74
    I wonder if you'll be suprised to discover that...
  75. Pattern 75
    I wonder if you'll decide to...or...
  76. Pattern 76
    I wonder if you enjoy how naturally, how easily...
  77. Pattern 77
    I wonder if you've noticed that...
  78. Pattern 78
    I would like you to discover something...
  79. Pattern 79
    I'd like you to begin allowing...
  80. Pattern 8
    I'd like you to let yourself become more aware of...
  81. Pattern 81
    in all probability...
  82. Pattern 82
    if you could...
  83. Pattern 83
    is is easy, isn't it...
  84. Pattern 84
    it may be that you'll enjoy...
  85. Pattern 85
    it may be that you're already aware of...
  86. Pattern 86
    it's so nice to know...
  87. Pattern 87
    it's going to be a pleasure to...
  88. Pattern 88
    it's so easy, wasn't it...
  89. Pattern 89
    it's very positive and comforting to know...
  90. Pattern 90
    keep changing your life like this...
  91. Pattern 91
    kind of like...
  92. Pattern 92
    maybe it will suprise you to notice that...
  93. Pattern 93
    now I'd like you to have a new experience...
  94. Pattern 94
    now of course I dont know for sure what you are experiencing, but perhaps you are...
  95. Pattern 95
    obviously, naturally, convinvingly, now...
  96. Pattern 96
    one of the first things you can become aware of is...
  97. Pattern 97
    one of the things I'd like you to discover is...
  98. Pattern 98
    perhaps begging to notice...
  99. Pattern 99
    perhaps sooner than you expect...
  100. Pattern 100
    perhaps you wouldn't mind noticing...
  101. Pattern 101
    remember to forget to remember...
  102. Pattern 102
    so just let it happen...
  103. Pattern 103
    so now's the time
  104. Pattern 104
    so that it's almost as if...
  105. Pattern 104
    that ongoing commitment to change...
  106. Pattern 106
    the really important thing is to just be fully aware of...
  107. Pattern 107
    the stuff reality is made of...
  108. Pattern 108
    very likely...
  109. Pattern 109
    when would NOW be a good time...
  110. Pattern 11
    wiht your permission...
  111. Pattern 111
    you already know how to...
  112. Pattern 112
    you don't need to be concerned if...
  113. Pattern 113
    you'll be fascinated and feel a strong compulsion to...
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Other Hypnotic Patterns
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