1. Kush
    Kingdom of, an ancient African state in this area; part of the region of Nubia (1000 b.c.–a.d. 350).
  2. Devi
    • a
    • Hindu
    • goddess
    • and embodiment
    • of the female
    • energy of Siva
  3. Mahayana
    • a
    • liberal Buddhist school of Tibet, China, and Japan, whose adherents
    • aim to
    • disseminate Buddhist
    • doctrines, seeking enlightenment
    • not for themselves alone, but for
    • all sentient beings
  4. Axum
    • an
    • ancient town in N Ethiopia, in the Tigre region: capital of the
    • Aksumite
    • Empire (1st to 6th centuries ad ). According to tradition,
    • the
    • Ark of the Covenant was brought here from Jerusalem
  5. Islam
    • the
    • religious
    • faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious
    • system
    • founded
    • by the prophet Muhammad and taught
    • by the
    • Koran,
    • the
    • basic
    • principle of which is absolute submission to a unique
    • and
    • personal
    • god, Allah.
  6. Jesus
    • founder
    • of Christianity, born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth
    • as a
    • Jew. He
    • is believed by Christians
    • to be the Son of God and
    • to have been
    • miraculously conceived by the Virgin Mary, wife of Joseph.
  7. Ethiopia
    • an
    • ancient region in NE
    • Africa, bordering on Egypt and the Red
    • Sea.
  8. Allah
    • the
    • Muslim
    • name for God; the one Supreme
    • Being
  9. Paul
    • one
    • of the first Christian missionaries to the Gentiles, who died a
    • martyr in Rome.
  10. Shintoism
    • the
    • native
    • religion
    • of
    • Japan, primarily a system of nature and ancestor worship.
  11. Diocletian
    • Roman
    • emperor who split the empire into the west and east.
  12. Benedict
    • Italian
    • monk: founded the
    • Benedictine order at Monte Cassino in Italy
    • in about 540 ad
    • . His Regula Monachorum became the basis
    • of the
    • rule of
    • all Western Christian monastic orders.
  13. Olmec
    • a
    • member
    • of
    • an
    • ancient Central American Indian people who inhabited
    • the
    • southern Gulf Coast
    • of Mexico and flourished between about 1200
    • and
    • 400
    • bc
  14. Constantine
    • Roman
    • emperor
    • 324–337:
    • named Constantinople
    • as the new capital; legally sanctioned
    • Christian
    • worship.
  15. Pope
    • the
    • bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church.
  16. Teotihuacan
    • the
    • ruins
    • of an ancient Mesoamerican city in central
    • Mexico, near mexico City,
    • that
    • flourished
    • a.d.
    • c200–c750
    • and
    • is
    • the site of the pyramids of the Sun and Moon and
    • of many temples,
    • palaces, and dwellings.
  17. Germanic
    The Germanic tribes were migrants who may have moved from Scandinaviainto the area between the Oder and Vistula rivers between the years600 and 300 BC. Later they went to the south.They did notsuccessfully preserve their ethnicity and usually turned into WesternGermanic tribes and Romans.
  18. world
    • the
    • beliefs and customs that individuals around the world follow.
    • Different people have their own beliefs.
  19. Maya
    • a
    • member of a major pre-Columbian civilization of the Yucatán
    • Peninsula
    • that reached its peak in the 9th century a.d. and
    • produced
    • magnificent
    • ceremonial cities with pyramids,
    • a sophisticated
    • mathematical and calendar system, hieroglyphic
    • writing,
    • and fine sculpture, painting, and ceramics.
  20. Huns
    • a
    • member
    • of a nomadic and warlike Asian people who devastated
    • or
    • controlled
    • large parts of eastern and central Europe and who exercised
    • their
    • greatest power under Attila in the 5th century a.d.
  21. Inca
    • a
    • member of a South
    • American Indian people whose great empire
    • centred on Peru lasted
    • from about 1100 ad to the Spanish conquest
    • in the early 1530s and is famed for its complex culture
  22. Byzantine
    • he
    • continuation
    • of the Roman
    • Empire in the East, esp after the deposition
    • of the last emperor in Rome (476 ad ). It was finally extinguished
    • by the fall of Constantinople, its capital,
    • in
    • 1453
  23. Polynesian
    • one
    • of
    • the
    • three
    • divisions of islands in the Pacific, the
    • others being
    • Melanesia and
    • Micronesia: includes Samoa, Society, Marquesas,
    • Mangareva,
    • Tuamotu,
    • Cook,
    • and Tubuai Islands, and Tonga
  24. Justinian
    • Byzantine
    • emperor who
    • held the eastern frontier of his empire against the Persians;
    • codified Roman
    • law in 529; his general
    • Belisarius regained North Africa and
    • Spain (483-565)
  25. Yellow
    • during
    • the Han dynasty, rebels wore turbans that were the color that
    • symbolized soil. They were secret societies of rebels.
  26. Sassanid
    • any
    • member of the native dynasty that built and ruled an empire in Persia
    • from
    • 224
    • to 636 a.d
  27. Sui
    • a
    • dynasty ruling in China
    • a.d. 589–618.
  28. Augustine
    • Roman
    • monk,
    • sent to Britain
    • (597 ad ) to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity
    • and to establish
    • the
    • authority of the Roman See over the native
    • Celtic Church;
    • became the first archbishop of Canterbury
  29. Tang
    • a
    • dynasty
    • in China,
    • a.d.
    • 618–907,
    • marked
    • by territorial
    • expansion,
    • the
    • invention of printing, and
    • the high development of poetry.
  30. Coptic
    • an
    • Afro-Asiatic language,
    • written in
    • the Greek alphabet but descended from
    • ancient Egyptian. It was
    • extinct as
    • a spoken language by
    • about 1600 ad
    • but survives in
    • the Coptic Church
  31. Rajput
    • a
    • member
    • of a Hindu people claiming descent
    • from
    • the ancient Kshatriya, or warrior
    • caste,
    • and
    • noted
    • for their military
    • spirit.
  32. Bodhisattvas
    • a
    • person who
    • has attained prajna, or
    • Enlightenment, but who postpones Nirvana
    • in order
    • to help others to attain
    • Enlightenment: individual Bodhisattvas are the
    • subjects of devotion
    • in certain
    • sects and are often represented in painting
    • and sculpture.
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world vocab chapter 5